Chapter 10

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*Irene's POV*

Originally the plan was to spend my birthday here in Hawaii. But it looks like were staying here for a while untill Daddy is well enough. While I miss everyone in my family, I don't miss the media and the journalists hovering every move we make. How I miss the private life back in San Francisco. How I miss my first born too. I can somehow picture her face, hurting, that I wasn't able to pick her up or even said my goodbyes. I know I have to do something about this. I decided to write another letter to her again.

The letter writes...

My dear Leandra,

It's been months again that we are apart. We have missed 4 important events together: Mommy's birthday, your 5th birthday, Christmas and New Year. I know you have been longing for the day that we'll be together but I'm sorry that I have let you down again. One day you'll be able to understand everything.

I am here in Honolulu Hawaii with your two brothers and Tito Greggy. Lolo is not feeling well that's why I have to take care of him. I know Daddy will take care of you there. I promise to come and see you again when I get back. I love you my precious star.

All my love,

I passed the letter to Bongbong since he was travelling to San Francisco the next day. He was also planning to visit Leandro and his niece.

*Bongbong's POV*

I finally arrived in San Francisco, right outside Leandro's house. I knocked on the door and we saw each other again after 4 years.

"Kuya Bong!" He went straight for a hug when he saw me.

"Kamusta ka na Leandro?"

"I'm doing fine kuya, pasok ka."

He lead me through their living room and saw my niece.

"Si Leandra na ba to, ang laki na!"

Leandra approached her Tito Bongbong and gave him a hug. I was pleased that she still remembers me.

"How are you Leandra?" I asked her

"I'm doing good thank you Tito."

I pulled out the letter that Irene wrote and gave it to Leandro. I sensed the sadness in his eyes when he saw it.

"She didn't mean to leave her daughter behind." I said.

"I know Kuya. But I don't want my daughter to grow up with the pain that I'm going through. She doesn't deserve it."

I looked at him.

"So you still love her?"

There was a few seconds of silence.

"I never stopped loving her. She will always be my first and last love. But Leandra is the center of my life now. I vow to do everything to make her life happy."

"So what are you going to do now?"

"Me and Leandra are going to be alright. I'll make sure she'll grow up happy and content, even if her mother is not around."

We sat in silence. I can see that Leandro is a great man and a father. I can only pray his heart will remain pure and his plans for Leandra will come true. A little while, I said my goodbyes to them.



"Please tell her... to keep sending letters. I know Leandra will be needing them when she grows up."

I nodded and headed myself outside.

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