Chapter 15

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*Irene's POV*

I woke up and sat on the desk to check my agenda's for today. Ever since our arrival back home, all I've been doing is working with The Philippine Youth Symphonic Band. My students have been with the band since they were young and now they're off to college. Some of them are auditioning in various universities. As I check my schedule, I saw that I will be heading to University of Santo Tomas to accompany and support some of my students. I suddenly remembered Leandra, who will also take up Music in college anytime soon. I opened a drawer and inside was the letter I recevied from her.

Dear Mom,

I guess from the greeting, you probably realized that I finally know about you and the story of our family. Dad decided to reveal everything to me on my 18th birthday that's why I decided to write you for the very first time.

I wish I can say that I fully understand the situation of our family but honestly, I am still at a loss for words. But one thing that I am sure of is that dad is a great man for sacrificing and protecting both of us all these years. I'm glad that at one point in time you once loved each other. I guess dad still loves you because he never found anyone anymore. He would always tell me that I am a perfect mixture of you and him. Maybe that's why I also love music too.

I'll be soon entering college mom. I'm thinking about taking up music if that is alright with you? I know its been years but you're still my mom right? I hope to hear from you soon.


I kept on reading the letter ever since I got it. It somewhat gave me hope that there is still a chance for me to correct my wrongdoings in the past, and reunite with my daughter. I wonder what she looks like now? I only have a photo of her when she was 4. I hope I get to see her real soon. I put the letter back in drawer and started preparing for the day.

I arrived at UST by lunch time. I met up with my students and decided to have lunch with them. I brought Alfonso with me since he had nothing to do at home. While I was talking to my students, Alfonso tapped my shoulder.

"Mom is it okay if I take a walk?"

"Alright. Just don't go too far, we'll be heading up to the auditorium in a bit."

*Alfonso's POV*

I wasn't really gonna walk around the campus. A girl caught my eye at one of the benches outside the cafeteria. It felt as though I have met her a long time ago. I walked towards her direction.

"Uhm.. hey" I said to the girl.

"Oh Hi there, are you a student here?"

"No no, I'm just visiting. I just saw you here... alone.."

Okay that was awkward. She widened her eyes, probably thinking that I'm hitting on her.

"A-are you okay? You seem to be sweating..."

Great, I'm awkward and sweaty.

"Yeah I am, sorry about that. So are you a student here?"

"No.. well I'm hoping to be."

"Really? How?"

"Well they're holding auditions to be part of the Conservatory of Music and I'm planning on auditioning today."

"Oh cool, so I guess I'll be watching you then."

"Wait what?"

"I'm not the judge don't worry." I chuckled.

"My mom's students are here to audition too."

"Oh I see."

"So I guess I'll see you later?"

"Yeah I hope so."

"Good luck... uhm what's your name?" I asked the girl.


"Good luck, Leandra. I'm Fonzy by the way."

"Uhm thank you, Fonzy."

I stood up and left. Geez, that was such an awkward talk. Well at least I know her name, Leandra. But she still looks familiar though. I wish I wasn't that awkward then probably we would've talked more. Oh well, hopefully I can talk to her after the auditions.

*Leandra's POV*

That was the first time a guy approached me. Weird but he was kinda nice. After he left, I double checked everything that I need for the audition later. Music sheet, a pen and my electric piano just in case they will not provide any instrument. I checked my watch and it was finally 1 pm. I saw some people leaving the cafeteria with their instruments so I decided to stand up and head upstairs to the auditorium. Upon entering the auditorium, a lady welcomed me and asked if I am auditioning. I signed my name and she guided me backstage. Luckily there was a piano on stage so the lady said to just use it instead. A few minutes later, a pack of people entered backstage, finding a place to sit and wait for their names to be called.

"Everybody quiet backstage, we are about to start. If your last name is called please enter the stage right away." The lady said.

I sat down near the curtains and peeked through the outside. The lady and a man are seated in front of the stage. The man quickly stood up when he was greeted by a lady. The lady had a teenage guy with him, probably his son. Wait, he's the guy who talked to me, that Fonzy guy. I stopped peeking and went on with waiting. I pulled out the polaroid photo of mom and dad and I prayed. Asking for their guidance wherever they may be. A hour later, the lady shouted my last name.


I quickly stood up and headed on stage. I stood in silence while waiting for them to speak. I glanced at Fonzy who was smiling when I entered and then suddenly, I recognized the lady sitting next to him.


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