Chapter 4

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April 1986

*Leandro's POV*

Wow. The last time I felt nervous driving was when Irene was about to give birth to Leandra. Now I'm driving up to San Francisco and see her. As I strapped my seatbelt, I looked back at Leandra, all strapped up on her car seat.

"Ready to see Mommy baby?" I asked her.

"Yes!" Leandra shouted with excitement.

A/N: In reality Pennsylvania to San Francisco is like 40 plus hours away. So since this is fanfiction, let's pretend that it'll only take an hour LOL!

I arrived at the La Opera restaurant, a place where Irene said for us to meet. I woke my daughter up and carried her inside the restaurant. It looks like she's not here yet so I settled ourselves inside. I found a table on the middle part and decided to sit and wait for her. A few minutes later, she arrived, looking as stunning as she always was. Her hair was cut short and she was wearing a white button down polo with jeans and loafers. Even in casual attire, she always looked beautiful. When she saw us, she flashed a smile. I still remember that smile of hers. It is a smile that can light up a million stars on a cloudy night.

"Hi Leo." Irene said.

"Nice to see you again Rina." I replied.

"Mommy!" Leandra jumped off her seat and approached her mother for the first time after 3 years of not seeing her.

Irene quickly carried Leandra, kissed her cheeks and hugged her tightly. I can see the look on her face that she's been longing for this day. I smile in response to what I see. I stood up on my chair and gave a peck on her cheeks. How I missed doing that to her. As we all settle in our table, we thought of what to order. Afterwards, we began to talk.

"So Leo, how's your family in Springfield?"

"They're doing fine. Mama Linda is hands on to Leandra while Papa Andrew was able to transfer his work over here."

"Same goes with Greggy. He was able to manage his properties from the Philippines to here."

"That's good. So how about you Rina, how's Alfonso and Luis?"

"Well Alfonso is turning 2 while Luis is turning 1 this year. Maybe you'd like to come to their birthday party. They were born on the same month so I decided to throw a double celebration."

"As long as Greggy won't mind."

"I'm sure he won't. I was also thinking that this could be a start for them to recognize their older sister."

"I don't mind it at all Rina."

Irene smiled in response. I decided to sip some wine while I avoid any kind of awkward tension between us.

"Leo... How can you do this?"

"Do what?" I replied in astonishment. What is she talking about?

"How can you still face me after what I have done to you?" Irene starts to sob.

I held her hand.

"Because loving someone doesn't mean that they have to be together. Loving someone can sometimes mean that they have to be apart in order to set that person free."

"Thank you for being the most supportive and loving person through the years Leo. You were always a great man and a father to our child." Irene responded.

"Anything for you, my precious Rina."

Irene smiled in response. We ate and talked some more until Irene though of strolling around the city. I let her hold Leandra's hand as we were walking. When it was time to say goodbye, I watched her cuddle up to Leandra. Giving her loads of hugs and kisses in case she misses it again. I strapped her inside the car seat, preparing to head back in Springfield.

"Thank you for today Leo."

"Anytime Rina."

"So next Saturday is the party. I hope you can come and bring Leandra."

"We'll be there, don't worry."

Irene pulls in for a slow and tight hug. I closed my eyes as I enjoy the moment, wishing that it would not end so soon. Suddenly, our eyes locked and next thing we know, our lips touched one another. We stopped after a few seconds only to realize that we unexpectedly kissed. I saw a tear fall down on her face so I wiped it.

"Don't worry Rina, we're going to be alright." I whispered on to her ear.

I quickly turned around and went inside my car. As I turn on the engine, Leandra waved goodbye to her mom and finally took off. I did not notice how I was smiling throughout the ride back home. For some strange reason, it did not feel wrong but rather just right.

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