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Wow. Okay.

Dimples is sexy.

Even with the dried blood on his face from his earlier nosebleed.

Wait. Ew.

"We need to clean ourselves up," I scrunch my nose in disgust as I remember that I probably look disgusting from the experience in the alley and the coffee that was spilled on me in the café.

"We could go to my place," Namjoon suggests and I snort in laughter.

"You're cute, but I am 100% not going to a stranger's house. I guess we can go to mine. I know where I keep my weapons in case you try something funny," I say, narrowing my eyes at him.

He sighs. "I'm a superhero. Not a villain."

"Superhero is debatable."

He scoffs.

"Let's go, Namjoon," I groan as we make our way down the sidewalk and towards my apartment.

We walk together in an awkward silence, with plenty of people glancing our way because of our bloody faces and my outfit, which is soaked in coffee.

Except for Namjoon's jacket, which I have zipped all the way up to hide the fact that I have no shirt on.

But his jacket is huge on me.

Not the cute kind of "oversized" that people like to wear.

No, I just look like a wet rat, stinking like coffee while being swallowed up by this huge ass jacket.

This is why I'm single.

"Isla," Namjoon says, pulling me from my internal misery.

I look over at him, and he's watching me.

With a stupid grin on his stupid face.

And his stupid dimples are showing.

He's trying not to laugh.

I narrow my eyes at him, sending death threats through my gaze, but that just makes him lose his shit.

He starts to laugh, and if I wasn't so angry, I'd think he's super adorable.

I snort in laughter when I realize I said "super adorable" to myself.

The super adorable superhero.

Wait. No.

The stupid superhero. Don't get distracted by his adorable face.

"This is all your fault," I snap as we walk into my apartment building.

I start to head towards the stairs and he cocks his head to the side.

"Why not use the elevator?" He asks.

I sigh when I remember the reason I avoid that death trap.

"I got stuck in it," I say, keeping my gaze away from him as I start up the stairs with Namjoon trailing behind.

"Sounds like you," he says.

"Three times," I add.

"Okay, you really do have bad luck," he says, laughing.

I roll my eyes and keep walking.

Thankfully, I live on the third floor so climbing the stairs isn't the worst thing in the world.

I've tripped on these stairs about a hundred times, so I focus all of my attention on holding onto the railing and watching my feet take each stair one at a time.

Not today, stairs. I will not bust my ass on you today.

And I don't.

But Namjoon does.

I hear a squeal behind me and I start to turn around just in time to feel a large hand desperately grab onto my back as Namjoon tries to save himself from falling down the stairs.

And what happens, you might be wondering?

Let's face it. You can probably guess what happens.

That stupid dimpled fuck pulls me with him.

"Fucking traitor!" I scream as we tumble together down the stairs, landing in a heap at the bottom.

I groan in pain, and I suddenly begin to panic when I realize I can't breathe.

Great. This is it. This is how I die.

My ribs must have broken and stabbed into my lungs and now I can't breathe.

I start to wonder what they'll make me wear at my funeral, but then I realize the real reason I can't breathe.

There's a stupid butt crushing my chest.

And what I do next is childish.

Embarrassing even, for both parties involved.

I spank Namjoon.

I spank him on his big stupid butt repeatedly while yelling very vulgar things to the owner of the big stupid butt.

Namjoon starts yelping in pain and scrambles desperately to distance himself from me.

But no.

I won't let him get away. I'm enraged. Not only did he pull me with him down the stairs, but he had the audacity to crush me with his butt.

First, he crushed our food with his butt. And now this?

"Get back here!" I screech as I get up and begin to chase him as he runs up the stairs.

"Let's talk this out!" He yells over his shoulder as I chase him up the flight of stairs.

This isn't smart. We shouldn't be running, much less on stairs.

The thought must have crossed his mind as well, because instead of going up the next flight of stairs, he crashes through the nearest door and books it down the hallway.

I'm yelling obscenities and threats as I tear after him, my muscles burning in exertion as his long legs easily put a good amount of distance between himself and the woman who may kill him.


I turn the corner that he runs around and nearly trip over him.

He fell. Of course.

But I yell out in victory when I catch myself before going down as well, and as though the gods above are smiling down on me for the first time ever, I realize we're on my floor. Right outside of my apartment door.

Good luck for once? I'll take it!

I unlock my door as Namjoon groans in pain and I drag him inside, locking the door behind me.

"Listen here, you-"

"I'm sorry! Geez! Please don't call me those awful things anymore. You look so innocent, but the things that leave your mouth..." He shudders in fright as he stands up and faces me.

I close my mouth and frown at him.

"Go take a shower. I will sit on your couch and wait for you to get done. Then, if you're still angry, you can yell some more. Deal?"

I purse my lips. "You're lucky that I hate the smell of coffee and that I desperately need to shower."

He sighs in relief and plops down on my couch.

"You can keep my jacket, by the way. You look cute in it," he grins proudly.

I feel myself blush and I turn away before he can notice and stomp off towards the bathroom.

Stupid super adorable superhero.

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