18. Out of Control

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Damon's POV

She was still out cold in the back seat of my car. I could just see her through the rear view mirror; her head propped up on my brother's shoulder. He didn't look so good either, although his wounds had disappeared, so he had obviously healed okay. Weird.

Elena was in the passenger seat to my side. She looked... concerned? Guilty? What the hell was going on here? Before I could ask, Eska was started to stir, and Stefan immediately jumped into action, taking hold of her hands and quietly reassuring her as she came round.

"You're okay, Eska," I heard him whisper. "You're safe."

I kept my eyes on the road, forcing what I would never admit to anyone, but could only be jealousy down. I felt Elena's eyes on me before she turned to look into the back of the car. 

Stefan's POV

"How did you end up in that house?" Elena asked her twin, and I noted that she hadn't actually asked Eska if she was okay.

Eska looked at her, and I was struck at how pale her face was. Her lips were almost translucent. 

"We were on a walk in the woods - I remember sitting down to wait for Stefan to hunt, and then the next thing I know, we were in the house, and Stefan was strung up and they were torturing him." She looked back at me, and I realised with a pang of guilt that she must have been in the room the whole time and I'd not noticed her. "You're all healed? You promise?" Her anxious tone snapped me out of my guilt trip.

I tried to smile reassuringly. "Good as new." 

"You were on a walk?" Elena's voice was sharp. "The two of you?"

I could feel my brother smirk and tore my eyes from Eska to look at Elena. Before I could say anything, Eska spoke, her voice surprisingly cold. 

"You took the car, Elena. What exactly did you want me to do? Wait around for you as per usual? News flash - contrary to what you may believe, my world doesn't always revolve around you." 

There was a moment's silence before Damon burst out laughing. "Damn, 'Lena, she's got you there!" 

Elena looked like she was about to burst into tears, her chocolatey brown eyes swimming and I felt my heart melt a little. 

"I'm sorry," Eska's voice was back to it's normal, quiet tone. "I don't know why I said that."

Elena said nothing, her bottom lip quivering. 

"Elena, please, I'm really sorry."

"I don't think your world revolves around me, how could you say that?"

"I don't know, I'm sorry. I'm really not feeling well."

I saw Damon's head shoot up and he eyed Eska carefully through the mirror.

"What do you mean you're not feeling well? You've had my blood - you should be healed?" He sounded concerned - unusual for him.

"Typical!" Huffed Elena, "you always manage to make everything about you!" I rubbed her arm gently, trying to soothe her, whilst keeping a watch on Eska. She really didn't look very well, and it actually wasn't like her to bring attention to herself.

In fact, it looked like she was struggling to catch her breathe, and watched in alarm as her lips got progressively bluer. 

Damon's POV

"Damon..." Stefan's voice sounded wary, and I noted that his hand stilled on Elena's arm, his focus now on her twin. 

I glanced again in the rear view mirror, and noticed how Eska's lips were starting to turn blue, and that she seemed to be gasping for breathe.

"What the hell is going on?" I muttered to myself. Seriously, I couldn't catch a break. Even Elena was starting to look a bit panicked as Eska's breathing became increasingly shallow and laboured. 

"Damon, do something!" Stefan had undone his seatbelt and was half-crouching next to Eska, one hand under her chin, tipping her head back. Her eyes were wide with fear and panic. 

I took a turn sharply, not knowing what else to do My voice was grim. "We're going to the hospital."

*A/N: So what do you guys think is going on with Eska?? Thanks for reading! SEG1 x

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