Chapter 20: Christmas Time (Is Here Again)

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"What do you think?" asked Hermione, stepping out of the washroom and letting Draco look her over while he sat impatiently on the bed. Currently, the song 'Blackbird' was playing on the record player Hermione had unwrapped about an hour earlier. She pretty much had it on repeat, but the song made her so happy that Draco could not even get angry about it. Even though his insides were currently cringing.

"You look fine, Hermione."

"Really?" she asked. "You don't think it looks like I'm trying too hard with the red?" She looked down at the jumper she was wearing and tugged at the bottom.

Draco chuckled. She really was ridiculous. "Since when is being festive considered trying too hard?"

"Okay." Hermione finally let go of the jumper. "And you're sure my hair looks all right up like this?" She began fidgeting with it.

"Yes, Hermione." Draco stood up from the bed and began walking over to her. "All of you looks all right." He reached her and put his arms around her waist, pulling her close and giving her a tender kiss. "You look beautiful."

Suddenly, Draco felt Hermione tense in his arms. He opened his eyes to see her staring at him, her expression almost fearful.

"What?" he asked.

Hermione gulped. "Nothing. It's just ... well, you've never said that to me before."

"Said what?" he asked. "That you're beautiful?"

She tensed again.

Draco smirked. "Do you not like it when I say that?"

"N-no," she muttered. "It's fine."

"Then why are you looking at me like I just told you I murdered a puppy?"

"I-I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not," she said a bit more confidently. "I just ..." She sighed. "No one has ever said that to me before."

Draco raised his eyebrows. "No?"

Hermione shook her head. "No."

He smiled, kissed her forehead and said, "Well, you are."

She blushed.

"Stop being so fucking bashful and just take the compliment."

Hermione shook her head and gave him a small smile. "That mouth of yours."

She pulled away, but Draco grabbed her wrist and yanked her back, crashing his lips into hers and kissing her with an incredible vigor that sent delightful sensations running all throughout her body.

"What was that you were saying about my mouth?" he said between parts of their lips.

"Nothing," she said while smiling against him, moving her hand into his hair and running it between her fingertips.

Before Hermione knew what was happening, her trousers were off and Draco's were undone. He slammed her against the wall, lifted one of her legs and immediately began thrusting into her. Draco put his free hand behind Hermione's head so that the hairstyle she had worked so hard on would not get ruined. Their lips did not part once during their quick shag, and when Hermione came, Draco could not help but do the same.

While catching their breath, Draco stroked Hermione's cheek, keeping his eyes open as he kissed her tenderly. "I think this is when you look the most beautiful," he said with a smirk. "After screaming my name."

Hermione blushed and gave him a playful shove.

Draco chuckled and kissed her again, relishing in the sweet taste of her tongue as it pressed against his. Not once did he close his eyes, wanting to see the serene look on her face as she got caught up in these moments of theirs. It was no wonder the words that next came out of his mouth flowed so naturally."I love you."

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