Chapter 25: Free as a Bird

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"The fireplace is not working, my lord!" shouted Macnair, running back into the corridor. "Lestrange went through but it won't let me!"

Voldemort let out a loud growl of frustration. "Nott, get your fucking son locked up in the dungeon! Macnair, Rodolphus, take your brooms and get to Draco's home! Everyone else, get out there and find him!"

Everyone nodded and took off running, except for Bellatrix, who remained by Voldemort's side.

"My lord, what will you do?" she asked.

"I will join the search," he said, already heading for the door. "Draco will not escape us tonight!"

* * *

Draco and Hermione reappeared in a small room he did not recognize. It was cluttered with magical knickknacks and he quickly realized they were in a compartment in a train. Then his eyes drifted to the young couple snogging on the counter. They both yelped.

"Oh shit, is it time?" Daphne yelled, pushing Blaise off of her and straightening her twisted jumper.

Draco slowly began to turn his head towards Hermione, his eyes widening as he did so. "These are the people who sought you out?"

"Yes," said Hermione. "So?"

"No offense," said Draco, looking coldly at Blaise, "but I think we'll find our own way out." He began pulling Hermione towards the door, but she yanked him back.

"Draco, no!" she shouted. "We wouldn't even know where to begin to get out of London! They were your friends. Why don't you trust them?"

"Do you?" Draco asked.

"For the right price I do," she said, reaching into her bag and pulling out a pouch of money. She tossed it at Blaise. "Two-hundred Galleons. It's all there, but we're sort of short on time so I would appreciate it if you would count it later."

Blaise smirked. "I have a hard time believing the Gryffindor princess would scam us. I trust you." He put the pouch into his pocket. Then he looked at Draco. "Good to see you again, Draco."

Draco scowled at him. "What are you doing here, Zabini? I have a hard time believing you have been helping others when the two of you were so quick to show your cowardice after the Dark Lord won."

"People can change," said Blaise.

Daphne smirked and gave Draco a onceover. "Clearly. Who knew the notorious Death Eater, Draco Malfoy, had a soft spot for Harry Potter's right-hand Muggle-born witch?" She moved her gaze to Hermione. "I really never believed you would get him here. Way to prove me wrong." She winked.

"Are we fucking doing this or not?" shouted Draco. "If you haven't noticed by our dramatic entrance, we're on a bit of a tight schedule."

"Yeah, yeah, don't get your knickers all in a twist," said Blaise. "We're just waiting on one more?"

Hermione raised her eyebrows. "One more?"

"Yes, our third," said Daphne. "We will need all three of us to get you out."

"And if you're here, I can only imagine that she is only minutes behind."

Draco crinkled his forehead. "What do you—?"

Just then, the compartment door slid open and someone in a dark cloak entered. Their hood was up so Draco and Hermione could not see their face.

"Did anyone follow you?" asked Blaise.

"No," they said. "No one even noticed me leave." The person pulled down their hood, revealing the big-eyed pug-face of Pansy Parkinson. "Hello, Draco."

Draco and Hermione immediately raised their wands. "What the fuck is this?" he shouted.

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