Chapter 19: Money (That's What I Want)

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Draco and Theo stood with their arms crossed, staring intently at the items in the Black Market in front of them.

"Do you really think she would like one of these?" asked Theo, cocking his head to get a better look.

"She seems like the type, doesn't she?"

"I suppose. Probably had one of those family's that went and chopped one down on their own." Theo stepped forward and began walking through the array of Christmas trees. "So how do we pick one?" he asked. "The house-elf always did it at my house."

"Mine too," said Draco, staring around blankly. "I believe certain ones are meant to be more attractive than others."

Theo crinkled his nose. "They're fucking trees. They look the same."

"Are you two still over here?"

They both turned to see Bronson standing behind them.

"What's the problem?"

"Oh! He's common, I bet he knows!" exclaimed Theo, looking brightly at Draco. "Are certain trees more attractive than others?"

Bronson pursed his eyebrows. "Uhh ... yeah. Are you two serious right now?"

They both looked at him and blinked.

Bronson rolled his eyes. "You want to find a bushier one, with the least amount of bald spots."

They blinked again.

"See how that one's all thin and has that big bare side in the back?" He pointed. "You want to avoid that."

"Huh ... makes sense," said Draco, looking at Theo and nodding.

"So we just need to find the one most reminiscent of her hair then? Bushy with no bald spots?" Theo smirked.

"Funny," scoffed Draco. He then put his hand on his chin and began scanning a particular tree. "How about this one?"

Bronson walked up beside him. "Well, it's good, but ..."

"But what?" he asked, glancing sideways at him.

"But it's about a foot taller than your ceiling, mate."

"So? Isn't the point of being a wizard that you can just shrink it down to the size you want?"

"Well, yeah, but that sort of takes away from fun of it."

"How is this fun?" asked Draco. He and Theo both looked at Bronson expectantly.

Rolling his eyes again, Bronson said, "Pick whatever fucking tree you want, Malfoy. It is obvious that this tradition is wasted on you. But let me be in charge of picking the ornaments. At least let that be fun for Hermione."

"You mean we're supposed to decorate the tree ourselves?" asked Theo with wide eyes.

"Who else?" said Bronson. "You don't have a bloody house-elf anymore, remember?"

Theo went white. "Oh shit."

"How about this one?" asked Draco, walking over to a smaller and very spirited tree.

Bronson nodded in approval. "That one's good."

Draco looked around and waved his arm to get the seller's attention. A witch in her late twenties walked over, looking nervous as she approached the obvious Death Eaters.

"Have you decided?" she asked.

"Yes, we would like this one," said Draco, "and the large one over there, as well." He pointed at the one he had been looking at before.

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