you seem (are) special

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    With her smal— vertically challenged body, Nako finds herself balancing a huge carton box, feet taking a step with all her strength as she climbs the stairs.

    Why is there no elevator in this school?

    The box contains some of their club equipments, by the way, so despite her complaints, it's not like she have any luxury to actually say it out loud.

    Not when she's the first to enthusiastically request that the empty room in the fifth floor should be their clubroom.

    Hitomi and Sakura didn't argue when they started yesterday, so really, if she complains now, she might receive a very painful smack. Which she prefer to not receive.

    The time pass by, and at last, Nako arrived. At the floor, not the room— the room is still a few steps away from the stairwell, so.

    With a huff, she starts to walk. Fortunately enough, a table was propped beside the rooms door, probably put by Hitomi whom she audibly heard yesterday complaining about what's the importance of table in someone's sanity—

    She let the box rest at the table for a while, opting to go inside the room first and observe. Because that's what detective do, observe.

    Hitomi firmly advocates such. Which usually leads to hour-long speeches but hey, at the very least Nako learns a word or two for her vocabulary.

    Well, the room seems normal. There's a mini library in the right side, which, once again, Nako's certain was Hitomi's doing, then beside it was a computer set, Sakura's, most definitely. A mini fridge was across the two, with a water dispenser. A bulletin board propped on the wall beside it.

    A circular table was in the middle, with three pairs of chair surrounding it. Nako walks along inside, and had noticed the silky curtains decorating the windows, beneath the said window was a girl, sleeping most probably.

    Hm, indeed normal.


    Nako walks slowly towards the sleeping girl again, eyes wide at the sight. Right, when she opened the door, it wasn't locked.

    “And you call yourself a good observer”, a voice oddly similar with Hitomi's says inside her mind, and Nako suppressed the urge to roll her eyes, opting to take a closer look at the sleeping girl.

    Her face's covered, fits, since it was buried to her knees, whom's hugged tightly by her arm. One thing for sure, she's definitely tall. And have very pale skin complexion. Is this girl a vampire?

    Nako's kind, she'd like to tell. But, she also can't really ignore the fact that someone's trespassing the room supposedly their club room, officially, they already have their teachers sign.

    “Miss, you can't sleep here,” she slowly says, crouching down to level her gaze with the girl, tapping said girl's arm. “Miss, wake up, aren't you supposed to be in class?”

    The girl fortunate showed some sign of waking up, groaning silently as she raised her head and oh,

    She's beautiful. And cute.

    Nako opens her mouth to say something, but finds the words getting stucked, and so she opted to wait for the girl to shake off her after-sleep rituals instead. Which was keeping her eyes closed as she hums angirly yet cutely, pouting her lips at the same time.

    Nako, surprisingly, founds it endearing, thus her smiling softly at the sight.

    “Miss, time to wake up, this room's limited for only the club members,” Nako repeats, at last finding the proper words, and managing to force it all out.

    The unknown girl visibly was surprised at Nako's presence. Nako made sure there's at least a two steps space between them, though, so she don't quite understand the surprised state of the girl before her.

    “Which year are you? You don't seem like a second year to me, all first and third years are supposed to be having a class right now, right?”

    Like she said, the girl before her is pretty, very pretty. And that's saying a lot. After all, it came from someone who have a Miyawaki Sakura as her friend, whom can raise someone's expectation of beautiful at just a sight. So yes, this girl is indeed very beautiful, even for Nako.

    “I'm a first year,” the girl answers, blinking her undoubtedly tired eyes in an unsure manner, “I-I'm sorry, i didn't thought this would be—”

    “Want a candy?”

    The girl blinks owlishly, eyeing the sweet Nako's handing, covered with a pink see-through plastic, which reveals the circular candy inside.

    “It's strawberry,” Nako adds. And when the girl didn't show any sign of moving, she sighs. “I don't bite, miss, whoever you are— you're obviously tired, your eyes says a lot, so take this, a trusted source of mine says a sweet can energize someone.” trusted source being Sakura, it's a gamble, yes, but Hitomi already supported the idea once, so.

    “T-Thank you,” the girl at last says, though obviously uncertain, still takes the candy Nako offers, prompting said girl to smile.

    “You should stand, sleep on the chair, that position might owe you a back pain later,” Nako says once again, standing and gesturing at the chairs. “You can sleep till 3— I think, since my senior would probably arrive by then.”

    The unknown girl nods her head, still not standing though, prompting Nako, once again, to sigh.

    “I have a box to move, please stand now, the faster you sleep, the earlier you might wake up, it's 1 already—” she does another round of sighing, mainly when the girl merely moved an inch.

    “I'll go now, if you don't want to move, then fine, do as you want.” And off she goes, leaving the girl with a wave of her friend. However, she halts when the girl talk once again,

    “My name's Wonyoung, Jang Wonyoung— thank you for, uh, waking me up.”

    Nako finds herself turning around to face the girl, whom apparently is named Wonyoung, why does that sound so familiar. “Wonyoung,” she repeats, nodding, as if carving the name onto her brain and keeping it there forever, if possible, “the name's Nako, Yabuki Nako. Nako-unnie for you, since I'm a second year— isn't obvious yes, but still, Nako-unnie.”

    A smile threatens to burst into Nako's lips, watching as Wonyoung's expression contorts to something that screams confusion.

    “Ah, yes. Thank you, Nako-unnie,” says Wonyoung at last, unsure still.

    Nako smiles, the restraint holding her back breaking. She nods her head before exiting the room, facing her arch nemesis once again: the box. The huge box consist of whatever Hitomi had considered to be useful for their mission in this school, whatever it was.

    However, the prior annoyance she felt about the box, all disappears the moment she took a glance inside, watching as Wonyoung did stand, now sitting on the chair, seemingly contemplating to actually sleep or just stare into nothingness, base from the drawn lines by her eyebrows. 


    Her annoyance dispersing this early's quite surprising. Usually it would take a whole pint of Mint Choco ice cream, which Hitomi till now refused to get close to.


    Wonyoung's a very special person, it seems.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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