How To Flirt (Math Edition) : written by J.W.

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In the bed, Yabuki Nako lays. Seemingly thinking about something for her eyebrows were furrowed whilst her lips where press against each other forming a straight line. In her lap is her laptop, the screen showing a variety of  restaurants which she probably is choosing from. She is also ignoring the continous beeping of her phone.

The girl sighed as she chose a specific restaurant— er, a cafe I mean— she at last took her phone beside her. Her furrowed eyebrows slowly loosening and a smile instead of a thin line formed in her lips.


Wonyo<33: unnie, can i go to your house today?
Wonyo<33: i need help for my math hw :c

u need help?

at math?


Wonyo<33: Unnieee!

Wonyo<33: please?

I was just kidding,

of course you can, I'm free for today anyway

If possible, the smile in the adorable girl went wider. She immediately stand from her bed, running to her closet to change clothes. Her former white top is now changed to a light blue hoodie, her black shorts remained the same. She went out of her room jumping (almost rolling down the stairs too)

Exactly when she arrived downstairs, their doorbell rang. She made her way towards the door and opened it, she was greeted with a smiling giant baby, which holds some notebook and school materials in her hands. Wonyoung's home is only a few houses away from Nako's, so it isn't a surprise Wonyoung arrived immediately, not to mention the younger have long strides.

"Come in!" she gleefully says, making way for the younger. The two went straight to Nako's room, talking about which math topic the legendary Jang is having a hard time to understand.

"Still can't believe there's a math problem you can't solve." Wonyoung pouts, bumping her shoulders with the shorter. Obviously annoyed by it.

"It's not that I can't solve it," Wonyoung starts, head facing down, her hands finds each other to fiddle "I just wanted an excuse so I can spend time with you." She continues, pouting when she heard Nako chuckles.

"You could've just said so," Nako answers still chuckling since Wonyoung keeps avoiding her eyes. She settled to stand and trap the younger into a backhug instead. Her arms surrounding Wonyoung's shoulder as she tucked the younger's head beneath her chin

The two were silent. But Wonyoung can hear Nako's heartbeat from the back of her head, and it's slowly lulling her to sleep.

"Don't sleep Wonyo, you aren't done yet, right?"

Wonyoung pouts "Right"

"We can cuddle once your done," Nako remarks, stopping herself from laughing when Wonyoung immediately worked with her homework. She stood up once again, stretching her aching leg and opted to just sit next to genius Jang. She was about to stand up to get some snacks for the younger but Wonyoung immediately stopped her by entangling their fingers with her left hand.

"Stay, unnie. I need my brain booster" she says, avoiding Nako's teasing stare.

The older did sit. Letting Wonyoung do her homework.

As Wonyoung writes on her paper with her right hand, her left hand is being played at by Nako. Holding and entangling them, occasionally kissing it too

A few more minutes pass by, Wonyoung suddenly talks

"Unnie, can you help me with this one," Nako let's her fingers between Wonyoung's and lean towards the paper Wonyoung is pointing at:

"If 1+1=2, then please calculate my love for you"

Nako blushes, but smiled nonetheless. Reading her head she saw Wonyoung smiling sheepishly at her. She chuckles as she kisses Wonyoung's cheeks

"Infinity...." Wonyoung murmurs, with Nako barely hearing it

"What is it Wonyoung?" She asks, looking at the younger who's once again avoiding her gaze

"The answer— to the question,  it's infinity"

"My love for you is infinity, it can't be counted nor measured"

Nako blinks, the supposedly pink tint turned to red once hearing the younger's answer. Another blink, and she smiled.

"Mine is too," she whispers as she buried her head on the crook of Wonyoung's neck. Not before giving another kiss to Wonyoung's reddening cheeks that is

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