"It's important, Sana. You don't know how people become when money is involved."

"Don't worry, mom, Lee like every other person I know, believes I'm a hardworking French civilian."


Sana hated keeping secrets, but it was the only she never told anyone. Lee already seemed to guess. Still, she hoped he would content himself with her explanation as he did when she explained about the apartment in Paris.

Yes, she did live with an old Lady but what she omitted to say was her father bought her the apartment when she moved back after her rupture with Winston.

The Gulatis' were insanely wealthy. Still, Sana preferred to live like everyone. She never asked her father for money and didn't splurge or buy anything that could make her stand out. She sometimes wondered the point of having so much money if one was scared to spend it. Sana was a rich girl that didn't act or know how to live like one.

Her mother always feared people would take advantage of Sana if they knew, and so she made her daughter promise never to reveal how gold her bank accounts were. Besides, there was no need to say anything; most of her money was stock options she didn't handle. Her account balance was never in the red, but it never flagged with quintuple digits.

"Lee, what did my father say to you the other night?"

There was no better place than a bed and an after-sex conservation to reel out a secret from a man.

Lee caressed her hair, "he's worried about you and us. Your father wanted to know what my intentions were."

"And what did you say?"

"I said we'd go where you want us to because I know I'll follow your lead."

No more words were needed, Sana knew Lee meant what he said, but above all, she could see his feelings.


Lee had the gaze and everything that went with it. Sana wished their bliss would last, and Lees' stare would remain as benevolent as it was then.

Behind the scenes, Lee was the cuddles-lover. She leaned to kiss him, and the man pulled her closer. The desire for body contact was predominant, even more so than before.

The man discovered he missed the affection more than he imagined. He was a beggar for these moments where he felt the heat of Sanas' body.

Sana giggled as she remembered the night at Camilles' wedding where the man said he wouldn't touch her or no one else.

"Why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing," and freed herself from his embrace. Sana got up and grabbed a robe.

"Why are you getting up? We're Sunday."

"I'll be back," she said and left the bedroom.

The woman had her habits. Sana liked to brush her teeth and comb her hair even if she lazed about.

Lee followed her. He hated having her nightly breath while she exhaled fresh mint.

They stood side by side while they brushed their teeth. It was routine, and both knew it was just one of the many times they would find themselves doing so together.

Sana couldn't help wishing the ritual would last for months see years.

Sana couldn't help wishing the ritual would last for months see years

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It's a short chapter, I know.

 Sana did it. She made a move to London. I'm laughing internally because the story starts here.

I'm updating because guess what? I sprained my other ankle!

It's less severe but hurts more than it did when it was on the left ankle.

Anyway, I'm supposed to be at work back on Thursday, so I'll write while I can.

Oh, I almost forgot Sana is the money girl. She's probably the wealthiest female character I have yet.

Okay, much love, take care!

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