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A little girl and her mother sat in their car, driving quietly in the night as the sound of rain hitting their windows was the only thing to be heard. The little girl was leaning up against the passenger's door, glaring at the dark road next to her. The women looked over to the young girl then back in front. "Why so glum? Your dad said he'd make it to your birthday today!" The women said, trying to lift her daughter's spirits up. The girl only narrowed her eyes again. "He said that last year. And the year before that and the other 4 birthdays he missed." The girl said back, gripped her arm. The women frowned a bit as she sighed again.

"I know honey. But maybe this time it will be different! You're turning 13, surely he won't miss the day you become a teenager and-"

"Just stop mom!" The girl yelled, whipping her head around to look at her mother.  "I know what you're trying to do, and I appreciate it, but just stop making excuses for him. He hasn't even been in Ninjago city since I was 6." The girl said, the women looked down at the wheel sadly. "He doesn't even call you when it's your birthday." The girl said, the women gripped the wheel and sighed again. "I know Ashley, I know." The women said as she looked down a bit, a frown still on her face. The girl, Ashley, looked up at her mother in guilt. "Sorry mom, I'm just tired of him promising that he'll be hear only to hear that some movie trailer that no one is gonna watch, is more important than us." The girl said and looked at her hands again. "I did enjoy my party though." Ashley said as she played with her fingers. 

The mother only smiled at this and looked at her daughter. "I'm glad to hear." The mother said as she reached for one of Ashley's hands. This caused them both to look up at eachother, failing to miss the giant car lights coming up to them. Ashley looked up and her eyes went wide. "MOM!" Ashley yelled while pointing ahead of them, the mother saw this and tried to turn away. But she was to late, when the cars came into impact, everything turned black.


A little fire haired demon dashed through the halls of his home, rolled up papers in his hands as he dashed through. Some demon-bull clones only watched in confusion but didn't stop him as he bust open a door. "Sister! I, Redson, have found a solution!" The little demon yelled as a scroll fell out of his hand. The room he had opened was themed blue and gold, a slight contrast compared to the rest of the building as it was red and gold. A demon girl was sitting at a vanity, seeming distracted as she only stared at her dull reflection.

"To what, Redson." The girl said, her voice void of any emotion as she kept staring at herself. She had darkened skin with pitch black hair with gray tips, some of her hair covering her eyes as Kamila's horns curved backwards. Kamila also had piercing in her ears, which were similar to her fathers as they appeared to be bull-like. Redson chuckled evilly as he ran to his sisters bed and spread out the scroll, which appeared to be a blue print. "Come over here and look Kamila!" Redson gleefully as Kamila did as she was told. She slowly turned to Redson and quietly stood up, holding her hand respectfully in front of herself as she walked over to Redson.

"Look! If I make this, I'll have the ability to grab onto Monkie King Staff and release our father!" Redson said as he pointed to the paper, which appeared to be a sketch of a gauntlet of some kind. Kamila looked at it with dull eyes before looking up to her little brother. "Very true. Father would love to know he was released by his own son." Kamila said, no smile on her face as her voice was again, void of any emotion. Redson could tell she was proud of him as he began to squeal gleefully. "That's not even the best part!" Redson said as he tried to get onto the bed. Kamila watched as he struggled a bit, voicing that he didn't need help when she tried to reach a hand out.

Redson finally got onto the bed and walked over to Kamila. "If father is freed, he could help us get this stupid necklace off you!" Redson said as he pointed to the necklace around Kamila's neck. She reached up to it and touched the golden necklace. It was more like a choker, but it was a cursed one at that. Kamila looked up at Redson before going over to his blue prints and rolling them up. Redson frowned at this, was Kamila telling him no? If you couldn't guess, the cursed necklace stopped Kamila from doing many things, including saying certain words.

"I suggest you get started on this gauntlet in the morning, for now, sleep well." Kamila said as she held the scrolls up to her brother, who frowned but took the scrolls anyways. "This is our final chance to get your necklace off. I don't even know the real you." Redson said as he hugged the scrolls, Kamila stood there for a moment before walking up to Redson. She then hugged his small frame, holding his head to her shoulder. "I never said you shouldn't do this, only that you should prepare your body before starting work in the morning." Kamila said as Redson blinked but hugged his sister back. The two stood there before Kamila let go her younger brother and allowed him to leave the room. Once he did, Kamila returned to her vanity and stared at her reflection, enjoying the silence once more.

I promise to make an actual cover, hope you guys enjoy the chapter though! Thought it was a sorta nice way to introduce my OCs.

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