Chapter 11

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Covert CIA Research Base

Third POV

As a new day begins the seven remaining mutants sit outside the destroyed base Will still holding a dead Eddie as Erik and Alex sit beside him Hank is looking at Will making sure he does not explode in rage. Sean and Ben sit next to each other and Darwin just staring at Will and Eddie still not believing he is still alive.

Charles and Felix run to them looking around at the destruction.

"Erik!" Charles shouts as he stands up and runs to him and jumping into his arms before they kiss.

"We made arrangements to take you home immediately."

"We're not going home." Sean tells him.


"He's not going back to jail." Sean said looking at Ben.

"They killed Eddie." William said angrily as he stands up and marching over to Charles.

"All the more reason for you to leave. This is over." Charles said making Will look angrier than before.

"No, they killed my best friend, they took him from me, they killed Oliver. I will not just give up and forget about it. Either we finish what we started or I will hunt them down myself." William threatened wiping out his claws and teeth growling.

"Little kitty cat said we finish this together." Felix said making Will growl at him. As Charles pulls him in away from us as Erik grabs Will's hand calming him down and as he move back to Eddie.

"They're just kids." Charles harshly tells Felix.

"No. They were kids. Shaw has his army. We need ours."

"We'll have to train. All of us. Yes?" Charles said to everyone as he turns to face them.


"We can't stay here. Even if they re-opened the department, it's not safe. We've got no where to go."

"Yes we do."

"Before we go I need to bury Eddie somewhere very beautiful." William said getting up and picking up Eddie up in his arms.

"I know a place. It is a very beautiful place." Charles said gesturing them to follow him as they all get in two cars.

Secure Facility

As Stryker and McCone stands in a small room watching Emma who is locked in a interrogation room watching and hearing they conversation.

"There's war coming, John."

"Yes. But a war with who?"

"Excellent question. Thought I wouldn't call it a war exactly. That suggests both sides stand an equal chance of winning." Emma said to them as she cuts a circle out of the two way window.

" Emma said to them as she cuts a circle out of the two way window

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Charles's Mansion

"This is yours?" Sean asks in disbelief as we all stare at Charles huge beautiful mansion.

"No. It's ours." Charles said wrapping his arm around Erik.

"Honestly Charles, I don't know how you survived. Living in such hardship." Felix sarcastically stares to him.

"Well, it was a hardship softened by me. Come on I will give a tour." Erik said as everyone but William who walks off to the forest surrounding Charles house Alex goes to follow but Hank grabs his arm.

"We need to let Will do this alone. He will be fine trust me." He tells him making him look at Will and sighs before heading inside as Hank looks at William who retreats into the trees.


William's POV

I walk slowly into the trees looking for a perfect spot to bury Eddie as many of the forest animals following after me with melancholy in the air surroundings all of us. I follow a deer who told me about a beautiful spot just for Eddie.

We all walk to a spot as we walk I see a beautiful blue tree up ahead. Dallas the deer comes to a stop nodding his head towards the trees and I walk towards it as a many red foxes and head bumping my legs as they walked past me.

I walk up to the grave before grabbing the blanket Sean gave me before putting it in the grave and placing Eddie in there slowly and gentle as tears roll down my face

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I walk up to the grave before grabbing the blanket Sean gave me before putting it in the grave and placing Eddie in there slowly and gentle as tears roll down my face. Dallas the deer trots towards me looking at me bumping up head.

"You should say something." He tells me.

"Eddie you best friend..I still remember meeting was Hank's and my first time at the zoo...we That day was the first time...I found..out..about my powers." I say crying with tears flooding my face and neck.

"We had amazing conversation...You made me laugh..whatever I always sad. You were the greatest friend a girl could have. I will always miss you, buddy. I love you, Eddie. I hope you are running free in your favorite paradise, may we meet again, buddy." I say to him while filling the grave before I craved his name on the willow tree.

"Thank you for showing me this place." I say to Dallas and the other animals they nod to me before bumping their heads on my head and walking away.

After a few hours, the sun starting to set I slowly rise up from the ground before looking down at Eddie's grave staying 'Goodbye buddy' and walking back to the house.

Living Room in Xavier Mansion

I cough making Charles and Erik jump as they cuddle on the couch.

"So.. is mine." I ask them.

"Oh, um just pick any room on third floor and up, okay?" Charles said.

"And when this is all over, you and others are welcome to stay and decorate your room however you like." Erik said as he and Charles get up and walking over to me with eyes filled with sympathy and pity but I quickly leave the room running up the stairs.

As I walk up the stairs looking for a room I look around Charles taking it all in. I walk past the room on the third floor smelling that all of them have been taken but I notice one room not so I walk in the room but instead I met a circular running stairs going up.

I walk up the stairs looking at the old decorative spiral staircase admiring the design as I reach the top and walking around two meters opening the wooden door and seeing a beautiful empty room with a few bits of furniture a bed, cupboard and two small side tables as well as a desk.

As I look around the room looking at everything, see a glass door with wooden framing and I walking over it and opening it seeing a small sitting area with a rusty old table what really gets my attention is the amazing view of Charles yard.

I turn around closing the door and shutting the dusty curtain before failing into the bed and closing my eyes as I fall asleep.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better I thought to myself as I fall into a deep sleep.

The Nightmare Pantherحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن