Chapter 5

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Covert CIA Research Base

As the car comes to a stop Charles, Erik, Moria, Felix and Oliver step out of the car. The four of them stand looking at his facility in amazement.

"Welcome to my facility. My mission has been to investigate the application of paranormal powers in military defense." Oliver said to them as they walk inside.

"Or offense." Felix comments making everyone stare at him.

"This guy Shaw, Schmidt, whatever you want to call him...he's working with the Russians. We might need your help to stop him." Oliver said to them while shaking his head quickly at Felix.

"Marvelous. So we are to be the CIA's new mutant division, yes?" Charles said while smiling at Erik kissing his forehead as he looks around happily sensing he is going to be happy here.

"Something like that." Oliver said as he gives them a little tour before walking into Hank and William's lab they shared.

The five of them stare at the ship above them as Hank stares at them hiding in the corner practically screaming in his head for his twin to be here with him but he breaths and relaxes a bit before walking over to them.

"It's, uh, supersonic. The most advanced plane ever built. You should see it in real life. It's incredible." He tells them with a nervous smile these must be the people Will told me about he thought to himself making Charles smile at him.

"Hank, these are the special new recruits I was telling William about. This is Hank McCoy, one of our most talented young researchers." Oliver brags to them about Hank making Hank smile.

"How wonderful. Another mutant already here. Why didn't you say?" Charles tells him making Hank look down nervously in fear of what might happen as Charles looks at Oliver seeing him in confused.

"Say what?" Oliver said walking over to the two of them.

"Because you don't know." Charles begins to say than looking at Hank.

"I am so, so terribly sorry." Charles said sincerely.

"Hank?" Oliver said softly making Hank look at him.

"You didn't ask, so I didn't tell."

"Wait does that mean Will is a mutant as well?"

"I am sorry who is Will?" Erik said walking to them as Felix stands away from them frustrated that they are getting nowhere.

"He is the most amazing engineer and mechanic." Oliver tells them with a huge smile on his face.

"He is my twin." The sentence alone gets all of their attention.

"Oh, so is he a mutant?" Charles asked and he reply is a reluctant nod yes.

"So, your mutation is what? You're super smart?" Moria asks him making him look at her.

"I'll say. Hank and his brother graduated at age of 15." Charles said to them reading his minds

"I wish that all it was." Hank said really wishing his twin was with him.

"You're among friends now, Hank. You can show off. Splendid." Charles stated as Hank removed his shoes than his socks revealing his money feet and Hank jumped up hanging upside down making Erik laugh.

"That is amazing, Hank." Oliver tells him making Hank look proud.

As Hank dangles on the side of the ship a sneaky William climbs the side of the wall jumping quickly and quietly before standing above Felix Banks.

William's POV

"So, is your brother freaky like you?" The taller man said teasingly making my eyes turn to slits.

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