Chapter 1

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(Josh Henderson as Marlon)

Unknown Location
Third POV

A grown up Felix Banks sits in a chair moving the coin that Shaw gave him magnetically through his fingers. He stares deeply at a picture of Shaw and magnetically throws the coin into his head.

Oxford University, England

Dark brown hair man with heterochromia a beautiful green and one blue, as a beautiful man walks behind him.

"Heterochromia." Adult Charles Xavier said to the man leaning on the bar smiling at him as his boyfriend glares at him from his seat.

"A gentleman would at least offer to buy me a drink first." Marlon said to him with a coy smile.

"Norman, pint of bitter for me and brandy for the gentleman, please." Charles said to the bar tender keep catching Marlon's attention.

"How did you know that." Marlon asked curiously.

"Lucky guess. Name's Xavier. Charles Xavier. How do you do."


"Heterochromia was in reference to your eyes, which I have to say are stunning. One green, one blue. It's a mutation. It's a very groovy mutation. I've got news for you, Marlon, you are a mutant." Charles said to the boy making him look weirded out but smile at him.

"First you proposition a boy, and then you call him deformed. How is that seduction technique working for you?"

"I'll tell you in the morning." Charles flirted at the man.

"No, no, seriously, though you mustn't knock it. Mutation took us from single-celled organisms to being the dominant form of life on this planet, Infinite form of variation with each generation, all through mutation." Charles nerdishly said making the gentleman slowly lose interest.

"Then, let's reclaim that word. Mutant and proud." The gentleman said raising his drink as Erik stares at them in jealously as his boyfriend flirts with that human man.

"Chin-chin. Hey."

"Hi. Guess I have to buy my own drink." Erik tells him wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

"Oh, sorry. One cola."

"Charles here was just tell me that I'm like one of the first sea creatures that grew legs." Marlon said to him when starting at Charles in lush.

""Tiny bit sexier."

"I'm sorry. This is my..." Charles begins to say but Erik cuts him off getting to the point.

"I am Erik, Charles's boyfriend."

"Hi. What do you study?" Marlon asks Erik while looking at him with a small glaring look.

"Bar tending." Erik said to him as changes his right eye to color yellow.

"Oh, look, you have heterochromia, too." Marlon said to him with a smile.

"Sorry, what?" Charles states as he finished his beer.

"Look at his eyes, Charles." Marlon said which causes Charles to look at Erik very quickly.

"Right. Erik, get your coat, please."

"You did that on purpose."

"I did not." Erik cheeky said.

"Yes you did."

"Why would I do it on purpose? You know I can't control it sometimes, if I'm stressed or I'm tired." Erik said trying to dodge the real answer but Charles give him a look making him sigh and tell him the truth.

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