#4.0.1: No Free Money

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Calamitas POV:

Calamitas is now preparing to stop the bank robbers. He's planning to only go to attack after giving them five minutes to start the robbery as evidence. While he would have fun surprising them before they start, he never bothered to check how many people would be robbing the bank. Before the villains would come, however, he decided to verbally run through his mental list of things he did and has to do.

Calamitas: Tusk will be very useful tonight, and the preparation of letting Holly know that some days I'll stay out will let me get "arrested" without worry. I also put a compartment for which Mr. Joestar can insert the corpse pieces if I'm not there. He might also just mail the parts in a container that nobody can look in to find them and have Jotaro open them up. I also have to work on mastering the basis of Tusk, the Spin. I also need to wait here out of sight, but able to see them so I can count how many people there are, and who looks like the dangerous ones.

Just then, a suspiciously armored truck arrived at the Bank.

Calamitas: So, they've arrived. I'm gonna give them their little head-start.

[Time Skip 5 Minutes]

Calamitas then charges through the front door, and immediately activates Tusk on his outstretched hand.

Calamitas: Put the gun away from the hostages. Even if you try to shoot them I'll catch the bullet.

Villain #1: Oh Yeah? You're across the room, there's no way you can catch the bullet. Now on your knees.

Calamitas: If you don't believe me, shoot me. 

Villain #2: Are you sure?

Calamitas: Yes, I am.

As the bullet streaks across the room, Calamitas deactivates Tusk, while preparing The World to move his hand to catch the bullet. As he catches the bullet, he sees the slightest bit of fear from the villain who tried to shoot him.

Calamitas: Is that all you've got? I can assure you that wasn't pure luck and a bluff.

Villain #1: If it wasn't a bluff *Aims at hostage*, then CATCH THIS! *Fires*

Calamitas: ZA WAURDO. 

[Time Stop]

Calamitas: It's just a piece of cake, I fly over there take the bullet and gun, and fly back. Now, Time Resume it's flow.

[Time Resume]

Calamitas: So, I caught *Crack*, and broke the gun and bullets. Time for the games to finish.

Calamitas then activated Tusk and began peppering the Villains, before walking up to one and freezing his hands and legs to the ground. He then began walking towards the vault before manifesting The World.

Calamitas: Time for you to go to prison criminal. As soon as I find you I'm going to snap your arms. *Gunshots behind him* The World 

[Time Stop]

Calamitas: Now that time's stopped I could do one of two things. Potentially reveal I can stop time, or fake a quirk to teleport myself and some of my parts with momentum to instantly attack. I'll go with the second from behind. Time will now Resume.

[Time Resume]

As Calamitas slammed his arm down into the criminal's chest (Like Diavolo did to Bruno) he began a false explanation of how he did it.

Boss: H-h-how?

Calamitas: I have a last resort move that lets me, say, teleport behind someone with my hand moving down fast enough to cut through flesh and bone. I wouldn't normally use this, but you forced my hand. While you fall unconscious, I will deal with everyone else.

Calamitas then in actuality waited around the corner waiting for the boss to faint, after which he healed the boss's injury. He then drained all of the boss's blood, leaving him a husk like Mr. Joestar after DIO drained him. He then began speaking directly to the camera

Calamitas: I have drained this criminal of his blood to do two things. First, he needs to stay unconscious. Second, this will be a test to see if he truly wants to live. If he wakes up after you do a blood transfusion and his heart is restarted, then he had enough determination to live. If he lacks determination, he will die even with the blood. That is how I like to manipulate the concept of "fate." Fate has gravity, and I am letting the boss of those criminals have his chance to manipulate fate.

Calamitas began to walk from the bank. He didn't get far, however, until Endeavor arrived at the scene.

Endeavor: You, villain! Stop right there!

Calamitas: You talking to me? I already dealt with the villains, they're all still in the bank.

Endeavor: Your outfit is peculiar, are you a newly graduated Hero, or one from a foreign land?

Calamitas: No, I'm a legal vigilante. To be fair, I know how to do so many unnatural things that if you saw me in action you'd think I had a teleportation quirk.

Endeavor: There are no legal vigilantes, and what's your name? I want to know what punk thinks vigilantism is legal.

Calamitas: My name is Calamitas, you child. A vigilante can be legally in action if they don't use a Quirk, mind you. I'm going to leave the criminals to you.

Calamitas then walked behind a pole before Stopping Time and jumping on the roof. Once Time resumed Endeavor walked over to the pole. He then got the biggest shock as the vigilante who said he didn't have a teleportation quirk seemingly teleported.

Calamitas then went to the tallest building to practice finding Golden Rectangles, as he was given a hint for figuring out Tusk. He began to concentrate, before seeing a rectangle in a cloud. The more he focused, the more the fingernail hovered over his finger. He, unfortunately, didn't get it yet but decided he would go searching for Quirkless people he could start to teach Spin to. Specifically, ones who wanted to become heroes. We now are getting back to Endeavour with the police.

Naomasa Tsukauchi: So your telling me this seemingly Old Man with extensive training was able to go behind that pole over there and disappear?

Endeavor: Yes, and he did it right after he said it looked like he had a teleportation Quirk. He also called himself 'Calamitas.'

Naomasa Tsukauchi: You're the second reporting of Calamitas I've heard, but nobody fits the weird, chaotic hole we're trying to fit Calamitas into. Not even any young kids who might be posing as Old Man.

Endeavor: The next time I see Calamitas, I'm taking him in.

Calamitas: No you aren't, not till I want you to.

Naomasa Tsukauchi: Was that just him? The description of him is on point.

Endeavor: Yeah, that's Calamitas alright.

A/N: I will eventually have Endeavor fight Calamitas, without Calamity, and this was to help explain why he wants to fight.

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