2~ Soul's P.O.V.

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I wake up to Maka's voice, soooooo tired... I managed to open one eye, annoyed she had woken me up. I got up and went to eat. I started to think about what I could've become without my friends, not realizing I was staring at maka. I regained consciousness when I saw maka blush lightly what was that?....

She then came out of nowhere like she was reading my mind and asked what I thought our futures would be like. I wondered why she asked that then a follow up about who we'd marry. I asked where this all came from, but I didn't get much of a response.

I brought her to school. In school we did the same thing we do everyday. During Steins dissection I looked at Maka, and couldn't help but notice she was blushing a lot and that she had put her head in her arms. I started to think about the question she asked in the morning. What did she mean by that? But what would my wife look like? I went through all the girls my age at dwma. Most were shy, ugly, taken, then I got to Maka. Though she was seriously lacking in the chest she was fierce with a heart of gold. I wondered if I really did have feelings for her. NO WAY, THAT'D BE SO UNCOOL SHES MY PARTNER, besides she wouldn't like me after the tiny tits comment I made. I felt guilty for saying it, but it wasn't a lie.

When school was over I got out before Maka so I waited for her. She walked out her face still a little pink and said she was going to walk home. This didn't really catch me by surprise but I didn't let her go because it seemed rude to let her go. After being persistent she finally gave up. I told her to hold on, I went fast purposely to have her arms wrap around me. It made me feel important, I guess. But she started squeezing a little tight so I asked her if she was ok. Her face was red and she she said she was ok.

We got home and I was curious at why she was blushing a lot today. Well, I was about to ask, but I decided it didn't really matter. I was tired so I told her I was going to sleep. I lied awake in bed for a few minutes when the thought of me and maka together creeped into my mind. I tried to stop it but it only made it worse. I imagined waking up everyday to her beautiful emerald eyes next to him. WOAH I CAN'T BE THINKING ABOUT THAT FLAT CHESTED GIRL AND ME- TOGTHER !! But his mind didn't listen so he fell asleep with her eyes being the last thing he thought about.

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