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Ugh, she opens her eyes to her alarm buzzing. It's 6:00 a.m. She gets up groggily and goes to make breakfast. When breakfast was ready she goes to wake up Soul. He does look so adorable when he sleeps, realizing what she had just said, she brushes it off and wakes Soul up. "Soul, breakfast is ready." He manages to open one eye and an "uh-huh." They sit down and start eating breakfast, she couldn't help but notice that Soul was staring at her. The thought came back about how adorable he was when he was sleeping, the same went for when he was all groggy. She felt her cheeks getting hot and she decided just to continue eating.

"Do you ever wonder what your future will be like?" She found herself saying.
"I dunno, never really thought about it." Soul replied.
They were only 14 (Maka) and 15 (Soul). "Or maybe what our future spouses would look like?" She said.
"Where is this coming out of ?" Soul asked. "Just wondering..." With that they got ready and soul took her to school.

Throughout the day she couldn't get her question out of her mind. What if I married Soul... WHAT MAKA DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF?! HE'S YOUR PARTNER, FRIEND AND EITHER WAY, he doesn't like you... He called you flat chested... But he's always there when you need him, and he's really adorable sometimes..... NO NO NO NO THESE THOUGHTS CAN'T BE RUNNING THROUGH MY HEAD WHAT AM I THINKING!!!!!!
She lies her head in her arms to hide her massive blush and tried to dismiss the idea of them two... Together, besides he would never see her like that, right?

She decided to ignore her thoughts but her brain had other ideas, she felt so dumb.

When school was over she saw Soul waiting for her
" Don't worry about me I'll walk"
She said
Ugh, I really hope my I'm not blushing.
"Are you sure? It's a long walk, and it'd be uncool of me to leave you here. I don't mind anyway."
" I guess if u say so."
Why is my heart beating so fast. WAIT HE CAN'T HEAR IT RIGHT?!
She got on the bike, " Hold on I'm not gonna go slow, that'd be uncool" he said with a toothy smirk. She felt her checks getting hot, he always takes me home why is this any different? It's probably all these stupid thoughts. Grrrrrr I hate my mind sometimes. She didn't realize she was squeezing Soul. "Maka you ok?"
"Oh.. Uh yeah I'm fine" Please stop cheeks you're gonna burst if you blush anymore ...
After what seemed like forever, they got home.
"So uhh I was uh wondering....." Soul mumbled
"What was that?" She said
"Nothing, I'm going to bed, night"
Weird...well if he's going to sleep then I will too
That night her dreams felt so real.

AUTHOR'S NOTE, I don't own soul eater I'm just a fan that loves this ship. This is my first fanfic and I really want to know what any of you think. Was it too Long of a chapter, or too short? Either was hope u liked it

soul x maka, The Time Wasted..Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt