chapter 3

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A-zhan his first friend , the chubby boy ,his best friend when he was in playschool , he called wei wuxian A-ying .

The little boy who came with his mother who told him she was her late mother's friend. That day Lan zhan's mother kept his little palms on wei ying's saying A-ying should take care of A-zhan and A-zhan should take care of A-ying .

From that day they where friends , wei ying was ready to fight anyone who bullies his precious A-zhan , while Lan zhan would bring his A-ying the delicious cakes his mom bakes. He never saw his A-zhan after that , the teacher told that they moved away from that city. He missed him , he didn't know his full name as they called each other A-zhan and A-ying .He only had the little locket which he gave him, which he still wears.A locket they both had which had both of their pictures, A-zhan's mother made that for them.

He remembers he met the lans when he was 14 . He knew xichen's mother and father passed away in an accident when he was 7 and his brother was 4. After their parents death they moved to another city as wangji was traumatized by the event , he was also in his parent's car during the accident. They returned to beijing after many years but wangji got a scolarship and moved to korea .But he never saw their parents pictures or wangji's childhood pictures.

' Is that why he felt he looked so much like A-zhan since the begining ?' wei wuxian thought to himself.

" A-zhan it's's really you " he hugged him ..he was happy to get his long lost friend back .When he vanished wei wuxian was sad for a long time that he even refused to eat . Everytime he saw boys with chubby cheeks and golden orbs he would rush to them . He tried to find his childhood friend only to be disappointed .

" Mmm A-ying it's me " lan wangji hugged him back snuggling into wei wuxian neck.

" A-zhan aah A-zhan , I searched for you where did you vanish " wei wuxian said pouting

" Sorry , missed A-ying too " Lan wangji said pouting and wei wuxian found his little A-zhan who sulks everytime he talks to other girls. He squeezed lan wangji cheeks, he missed it.

" I really can't believe its you....But how did you know it was me ?" Wei wuxian asked him . Lan wangji took out his phone and opened weibo to show him a picture wei wuxian posted few days ago .It was a picture of him and little A-zhan they took while in play school . He posted it remembering that was the last day he saw him.

" You knew and you didn't tell me.... why ?" wei wuxian asked pouting .

" Was guilty " he replied with a sad pout .

"Why ?"

" Left A-ying without saying " he replied . Wei wuxian was so happy that he squeezed him and then heard a soft snore. Lan wangji slept on his shoulder's . He called xichen who was surprised seeing his baby brother drunk .They both managed to take everyone home.

Wei wuxian took wangji to his room and made him lay down .He was going to get up but couldn't as wangji was holding onto his jacket tightely .

" Lan zhan ...I need to go ." wei wuxian whispered softly on lan wangji's ears

Lan wangji tightened his hold and also hugged wei wuxian around his waist . Wei wuxian smiled and carassed wangji's head softly who was sleeping with a cute pout .

"Why are you so adorable ?" wei wuxian whispered and gave him a soft kiss on his forehead .

Lan wangji scooted closer to the warmth like a kitten .He almost purred.

"Aish what's wrong with me ." wei wuxian said sitting up and tucking wangji in . He removed his jacket so that wangji can have it to himself .

He got up and switched off the lights and walked outside the room occasionally glancing back .

Childhood Bestie  (Wangxian /yizhan) ✅️✅️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt