Chapter 6, Part B

Start from the beginning

She tilted her head. "Helps him what?"

"Not die," Domi said, exasperated. What the heck did they think he meant? "He should have died years ago."

Bellus and Peritia exchanged glances. But it was Comitas, stepping out from the towel room, who spoke. "Basilicus, most Lightholders live to one hundred fifty years. Some of us even make it to two hundred, but that is rarer."

"Eyes devour," Domi breathed, and for once the protocol handler did not correct him.


He'd enjoyed a full week of rest, and still, the Princeps Lifeholder looked like she'd swallowed a lemon.

Domi nibbled his lip as Oliva and Hedera exchanged glances. The royal's headshake had his heart sinking. "I must say that it baffles me, Promerenti," the Princeps said.

He eyed her, curiosity warring with unease. Was she in her mid-seventies, as she seemed? Or closer to the Rex's age?

There was something weird about her face, too. Something...

"Yes, Basilicus?" Hedera asked. It was the meekest Domi had seen his new avia and royal physician behave all week. He didn't buy it.

"I am no Trellis expert," Oliva said, "for all that I draw power from it. But I do not think that the artifact should still be wearing on him this much. I do not blame you, Promerenti; I am aware of your skill. It is just a puzzle." She sighed and shook her head as though to shake off bad thoughts. "However, though there is not as much progress as I had hoped, he is doing better. I think it is safe to let him leave solitude, slowly, but his handlers should have a care not to overwhelm him." She smiled down at Domi, but her gray eyes looked worried.

Gray eyes... Something... Domi squinted at her. The strange sense of familiarity gnawed at him.

"If I may, Basilicus?" Hedera asked politely. Domi resisted the urge to snort. She had not bothered to ask for his permission for anything, whether to speak or force him to drink this medicine or eat that weird night-side flower.

The Princeps nodded. "Of course. I value your thoughts."

Hedera glanced at the window, where the Trellis glowed with the faintest of flickers. Domi sort of liked them; they made the lattice look like golden glitter against the violet sky. "I am beginning to think we just were lucky that first month of his reign," his avia said. "He is, after all, very young, Basilicus. When was the last time a fourteen-year-old became Princeps?"

"I'm fifteen," he reminded them. It was a tenth the Rex's absurd age, but still. He was not some kid.

"Of course, Basilicus," Hedera said, her heavy gaze warning him to be careful. "But you were fourteen when you inherited the Trellis."

He stilled, swallowing. Of course. She meant when Dae became Princeps, not him. Eyes devour, had that really been only a month ago? He could not believe how much had changed in so little time. One month ago Daedalus had been crowned Princeps Worldholder and Domi had been trying to convince the Dyer to sell him a laurel. Nothing was the same...

The Dyer... Domi felt his eyes widen.

"Are you related to Aix?" He blushed as she arched a brow at him. Eternal Radiance, he had just insulted her. Why would a Princeps know, let alone be related to a random backwater lifeholder? And an impure one at that?

"How do you know Aix, Basilicus?" Oliva asked.

Domi felt the blood drain from his face as he realized his mistake. He could think of no reason at all why Daedalus Adurere, a royal living in Vola Apertus, would know an impure lifeholder almost four thousand miles away in Urbs Hostiae.

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