꧁•⊹٭𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗: 𝙱𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚍٭⊹•꧂

Start from the beginning

It wasn't until the Kura looked into the half-lidded eyes of the man did he see something deeper within.

The blonde was able to see contentment.

Thinking back onto the several phrases that the man had spoken, a memory was triggered.

'He must have gotten a fortune from neon before her nen ability was stolen.'

The blonde concluded. It was true however, tonight wasn't the night where Kurapika was going to show any type of mercy.

Showing mercy doesn't get the job done.

It frustrated him on how long it actually took him to come o this conclusion, years and years of showing mercy and letting people off the hook or go unpunished, he was finished, he wouldn't let people take advantage of his kindness anymore.

He had someone to protect now, a future to actually look forward to, he couldn't afford to leave any loose ends that could come back and sabotage his plans for a future.

He couldn't do that to her, so for now on, it was for him and for her, and their future.

"I didn't believe that little girl before, I thought it was a bluff." The man coughed, blood seeping out from a wound from a hidden wound on his head, finally seeping down the side of the man's face.

"-But when I saw you for the first time I knew you were going to make it the last. You can't fake that type of resolve." The man in yellow paused before pointing to a stack of files that seemed prepared.

The grey eyes of the Kurta briefly left those of the man, gazing onto the stack of papers before returning his gaze once more.

Once the man had closed his eyes, the blonde then decided that mercy comes in different ways, some people must live their lives in for their crimes, giving them the mercy of sparing them of death. Yet in cases like this one, maybe mercy is the sweet release of death itself.

But who was he to give mercy out like that?

Once in a while, these thoughts will come from a dark place imbedded deep within his conscience, perhaps they would come out once he's ready to close his eyes to sleep, or maybe it would be when he would be halfway through a shower.

Or like now, they whisper, begging him to consider a different path, a change in fate, a change within the butterfly effect.

Yet unlike those times, the times where he would let an enemy go without finishing them off.

Just as he did with Chrollo.

No, he wouldn't let another string become loose, he had to end this, end this inhuman plot, this humiliation.

So he decided to give him his mercy.

The blonde, without saying a word, looked beyond the man in yellow, somehow seeming a bit duller, his grey eyes bore into the empty brown ones of Aureolin.

Closing his grey eyes, the Kurta rose his right hand, extending his dexterous fingers outwards, the faint rattling of chains hit Aureolin's ears, signaling him to close his eyes, his thin red lips twitching upwards a bit, aching for that sweet liberation.




The black hues of Aureolin start to cloud as the blood leaks from his body, the crimson liquid oozing out of the man's chest, causing his yellow suit to become dyed with the red of his own blood.

Without looking at his quick and easy opponent, the blonde then turns around and swiftly walks to the desk where a heap of papers that were not so neatly stacked and placed.

Behind Those Scarlet Eyes (Kurapika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now