Phoenix Beatdown

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What you've all been waiting for! A beat down courtesy of the Doom Slayer. Followed by some more revelations. Anyway, be sure to leave a review!

"Full of arrogance, they believe none can stop their crusade. Yet they now know the folly of such pride, for you now stand before them. Fist clenched and eyes firmed, you meet them head on. Mountains of their corpses shall be made by your hands, the landscape will be forever changed, as even the mightiest of their legions and champions will fall before your wrath."

Corrax 5:20

(Gremory Mansion, Reception Hall)

Silence filled the hall as this human walked through the hall. Flynn tossed aside the surprisingly still alive guard like a piece of garbage. Tiamat stood proudly above him, her watching the Devils fiercely. Said Devils were still stunned by Flynn's exclamation. Some had expressions of confusion, others with anger. However, one of them eventually broke the silence and was of the latter.

"Who do you think you are?!" Ravel Phenex cried as she marched towards Flynn. Memories of how this human blew up her brother's head filled her mind and she could not hold back her anger. "Who are you, to challenge big brother?! Human trash!" She fumed.

Her outcry made other Devils speak out in anger at the audacity of this human. However, Flynn was in no mood to deal with this and without even looking, fired his super shotgun at a random Devil. Said Devil's left leg was blown off, it's remains and blood flying everywhere. The Devil fell to the floor, writhing in agony as he screamed, clutching the remains of his leg. This single action caused silence resume once more. Flynn looked back at Ravel, his trademark glare set on the young Phenex. Said girl had lost her rage and bravado, now replace with fear. Upon seeing that glare, Ravel backed away, trying to remain out of sight.

Focusing back on the main crowd, Flynn repeated himself, "As I said, I'm here for my cat. And if none of you idiots can understand, I'm referring to the girl with the collar around her neck." He pointed towards Kuroka.

It was at that moment Sirzechs decided to speak up. "Excuse me. While I'm willing to entertain the idea of letting you fight Riser Phenex. I must tell you that handing over the Black Cat is impossible."

"Lord Lucifer! Don't tell me you're actually going to listen to this human's demands!" Riser exclaimed, shocked at the redhead's words.

Flynn looked at Sirzechs, studying him intently. Indeed, he was powerful, perhaps on the same level or greater than an Arch-vile or Tyrant. However, to the Doom Slayer, that wasn't very impressive.

"I'm afraid that young Riser is right, Sirzechs." Zeoticus, the father of Sirzechs and Rias, said. "Besides not being a Devil, the boy does not have any political support. Endorsing the idea to let him face Riser is impossible."

"I believe I can help with that." A new voice spoke.

A magic circle suddenly appeared in the middle of the hall, and out from it was none other than Mephisto, complete with his cane and a purple top hat. He did a dramatic bow to the audience as the Devils all gasped, recognizing the famous individual. "Been a long time since I've last been to the Underworld."

Sirzechs blinked, not suspecting to see the Ultimate-Class Devil here. "Lord Mephisto. It's quite rare for you to come to the Underworld. Do you know this boy?"

"Indeed, I do, Lord Sirzechs." Mephisto said. "I found him a few months ago, unconscious and wounded. Thus, I took him in. I guess you could say I'm his caretaker, guardian, however you like to put it." He smirked when he heard Flynn snort. "As such, I believe I can be the 'political support' Lord Gremory mentioned. I'm sure that will be satisfactory for everyone here."

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