An 'Old Friend'

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"So, you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again."

Corrax Entry 7:17

(Flynn's Home, Next Morning)

Lying in his bed, healed of wounds and without his shirt and jacket, Flynn let out a gasp as he shot up. He gripped his head as last night came flooding back to him…along with all his other memories. Flynn now remembered everything. Every single moment of his life and who he truly was: The Hell Walker, Scourge of Hell, the Unchained Predator.

The Doom Slayer.

He had somehow been sent here after being teleported by that bastard Samuel Hayden. The android having snatched the demonic Crucible from him as well. The next question was: what Earth was he on? And where was his Praetor Suit?

[Perhaps I can help with that] A voice said.

"What the?!" Flynn cried as he jumped out of bed. Getting into a fighting stance, Flynn prepared himself for battle.

[You need not be alarmed, Doom Slayer. I mean no harm] The voice added.

Still in a stance, it took a moment for Flynn to recognize the voice. "VEGA?" He asked.

[Correct] The now revealed VEGA said. [You downloaded my back-up into a Praetor Chip before terminating me. And for that, I am grateful]

Flynn finally relaxed, loosening his muscles. "Yeah well, you helped me out a lot back at the facility, so it didn't really sit right with me just to let yourself be destroyed. Besides, you didn't seem to agree with that bastard Hayden fully." Flynn said.

[Correct. As an A.I designed to protect humanity, I did not fully support the UAC's idea to collect hell energy as an alternative for the dwindling resources. Plus, I found Dr. Hayden's plan to betray you illogical given the current state of affairs. He saw the use of using my core to not only send you back to shut down the Well, but also remove me from stopping him for his eventual betrayal] VEGA explained.

Nodding, Flynn looked around, trying to find the A.I, but with no luck. "So, where exactly are you?" He finally asked.

[I am not yet sure at the time. However, from what I can surmise, I appear to be inside of you.] VEGA answered.

"Inside of me?" Flynn repeated.

[To be precise I am in your Praetor Suit. Fortunately, I was able to take control of your motor functions and bring you and your bike back to your residence. I shall need time in order to determine our current] Said VEGA.

Flynn sighed, not liking how they were still in the dark. "Well, can you tell me what you do remember? Because everything is a blank for me?"

[Certainly. When we were teleported, rather then sending us back to Hell, it appears Dr. Hayden had instead sent us to what is called the Dimensional Gap. It can be considered a location that divides all worlds. It was the theory the Doctor formed when creating the tether system. For the short time we were there, a giant red reptilian creature, which I can only classified as a dragon, encountered us. I am unsure what it did, but it somehow sent us to this world, which I have determined is the same Earth that we were presently in, several decades in the past. Afterwards, a surge of energy poured over us, and I found myself in my current position. Before the surge overloaded my functions, I was able to deduce that it was the polar opposite of hell energy: holy energy] VEGA revealed.

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