Phoenixes, Kyoto, Plants and Foxes

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This chapter I hope will give you some laughs. So, please be sure to leave a review and enjoy and see how Flynn interacts with Kuroka and Tiamat. Also, I made changes about him not having a Sacred Gear and instead to that the Praetor Suit, Crucible and Soul Cube have merged together and are now a part of his soul along with VEGA. Plus, I think Doom Slayer using Alchemy to enhance his weapons even further. Kind of using elements of Hajime Nagumo from "From Common Job Class to Strongest In The World".

On a side note, I am so psyched for Doom Eternal. If I had any complaints is that it isn't going to be released sooner! In regards with this story, I am going to try and combine it with Doom Eternal as much as I can. You will see the demons from both Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal in this story though.

With that said, review.


"The innocents are their favorite prey. For they seek to unleash their hatred and rage onto their victims, to remove joy, hope and peace with pain, fear and despair. It is their sustenance, and yet it shall be denied to them. As you will become the mighty fortress that shall stand between them and those they seek to conquer."

Corrax Entry 8:4

(Flynn's Residence)

Flynn's first action was to pull out a pistol and aim it at Kuroka. Said Neko hastily raised her hands as she stared at the barrel of the gun. "Why are you here? Have you been spying on me? Sent to kill me? If it's the latter, hate to say it, but even if Mephisto hadn't exposed you, wouldn't have worked."

"Wait! Wait! I wasn't sent here to kill you nya!" Kuroka exclaimed hurriedly. "Ophis-sama sent me here to spy on you and make sure nothing happened."

"Ophis knows of his presence?" Mephisto murmured. "That was quicker than I thought."

"Who's Ophis?" Flynn asked Tiamat and Mephisto.

"She's the Ouroboros Dragon, or Infinite Dragon God. One of the two most powerful beings in existence." Tiamat answered. "Her power far outstrips mine and any other being out there."

The name made Flynn's eyes widened. "The Ouroboros?!" He said shocked at hearing the familiar name.

"Oh yeah, your people worshipped the Ouroboros." Mephisto commented. "In fact, a lot of figures from Gnosticism religion were worshipped by your kind, such as Yaldabaoth and the Archons."

"T-that, that was a long time ago." Flynn muttered. "Not like we had much choice when the Biblical God and his Angels did nothing for us…except for one."

Kuroka was curious about what they were talking about. But, given her current situation, chose to remain silent. She winced when Flynn turned his sight back to her. "So, what's her deal? You said she's a Stray Devil, but she doesn't look like one of those fucked up monsters I've been killing for a while." Flynn said.

"It depends. Most strays tend to mutate if they cannot control their demonic powers after escaping and/or killing their masters. The stronger ones like this one here." Mephisto pointed to Kuroka. "Can retain their sanity and forms even after years of being on the run without a master. There are other factors, such as the reason why a reincarnated Devil became a Stray, as demonic powers tend to run on emotions. Either way, it might be useful to keep her around."

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