The girl continued to stand in the doorway as she locked eyes with the red head after looking around the room "Miss Peregrine sent me to come and get you"

Olive let a smile break out onto her face "Oh...she wanted me to pick out a dress for you to change into for supper. I'll get one ready for you now. When you're ready just come to the fourth room down the hall on the left and you can change"

Y/n nodded at her as Olive passed her and headed to her room, when she turned back around she locked eyes with Enoch who was staring at her with a grumpy look on his face.

"Do you always look this grumpy?"

"Do you always stick your nose into other people's business?"

"I can tell you don't want me and my brother here but it's not down to us, believe me if I could leave I would"

"They why are you still here?"

"Because My grandpa was killed and your Ymbryne seems to know why"

"What has that got to do with us?"

"You were close with him, I'm guessing. The photograph I saw from the ruins of this place tell me that's what happened"

Enoch looked up from what he was working on and locked eyes with Y/n again "You're Abe's granddaughter?"

"Funnily enough yes. Do I seem peculiar enough to be here?"

She didn't let him answer, or even wait for a reaction as she turned around and headed down the corridor, towards Olive's room. When she entered, she saw Olive looking through her wardrobe.

The girl turned to look at Y/n with a smile "I think Blue suits you" Olive turned back round and pulled a royal blue dress from out of her wardrobe. She walked over to Y/n and handed it to her with a smile "Clips are in the chest on the vanity and a more...suitable pair of shoes are under the radiator" she left the room, closing the door behind her.

Y/n nodded to herself before setting the dress down on the bed. She removed her clothes and carefully pulled the dress on over her head. She bent down and took off her converse, placing them on the floor next to her neatly folded pile of clothes and walked over to the mirror.

When she looked at herself, she she saw the dress sat just above her knees. It wasn't to tight and it was flowy, like the one emma was wearing except it was a couple shades darker. The top half of the dress as long sleeved and a little loose, but it fit nonetheless.

Y/n moved to the radiator and bent down, she picked up a pair of white pumps. The girl gently slipped them on to find that they're an exact fit.


She then walked over to the vanity, she looked at herself and then down at the chest. Y/n opened it and found a blue flower clip, she pulled the two front strands of her curly, dark brown hair back and clipped them at the back.

When she looked at herself again in the mirror, she saw how that hairstyle really defined her face. Y/n smiled softly to herself as she opened the door. She walked down the corridor to see Enoch and Olive standing at his bedroom window, looking outside.

She was pulled out of her gaze when Olive appeared right next to her "Jake, Y/n come and meet Enoch properly"

They followed the girl into the room and stood infront of the table. Olive moved round to stand behind him like she was before.

Y/n watched closely as Enoch held tools in his hand and was fiddling with something.

"You two must feel pretty out of place"

Jake shook his head "Don't worry, we're used to it"

Enoch looked up at the twins and put his tools down "No. I wasn't worried. Some advice for you though" he looked directly at Jake "Man to man. If you're thinking of staying just because you like emma...don't bother" he picked his tools back up again "You see she swore off romance decades ago, when she got her heart broken. And she's never gonna change her mind so..."

Y/n watched as the boy held his hand out to Olive. She watched as the girl quickly grabbed a specific tool and handed it to him.

"Enoch, I wasn't...what are you doing?"

The boy picked up a small heart and put it inside the doll, he then put another heart inside another creation of his.

The twins watched as both the dolls started to move. Jake stepped back and Y/n kneeled and rested her hands on the edge of the table.

Olive looked down and locked eyes with Y/n "Isn't he amazing?" Y/n just smiled at her, slowly nodding her head.

Jake shook his head, putting his hand on Y/n's shoulder and trying to pull her back "What did he do?" but the girl just shrugged him off.

Enoch raised an eyebrow "This? Jake, this isn't even the fun part. Do you want to see the fun part" he glanced down at Y/n who was staring at the dolls, he then looked back up at Jake "It looks like your sister wants to see the fun part"

The twins watched as Enoch leant forward in his chair and whistled into the doll's ear, he then whispered something into it's ear which made it jump into a defensive stance. Y/n raised an eyebrow as they started to fight, thrashing at eachother and growling.

Olive exclaimed and jumped up and down a few times clapping her gloved hands.

One of them pulled of the other's hand which was made out of a crab claw. That same one cut the others string, which kept it's head on making it thrust forward and stab the doll through the heart.

Y/n slowly stood up, smoothing her dress over with a small smile.

"They're like puppets" Y/n looked up at Enoch as he continued to speak "Just do anything I tell them it's even more fun with people. You should've seen some of the epic battles they used to have at my parents funeral parlor"

Y/n grinned at Olive and turned her head to look at her brother who looked like he was going to be sick, she shook her head at him "Jake it's literally not that bad, god you look seasick. Oh and Emma's waiting for you upstairs"

Jake rolled his eyes at his sister and turned to leave, giving Enoch a glare on his way out. He left Y/n in the room with the boy and Olive.

Jake had gone to the attic and already gotten changed, emma was standing near a wardrobe when he came back into the room "You'll need a necktie" she grabbed one from the wardrobe and began tying it around his neck.

"So what did my grandpa do when he was travelling?"

Emma shook her head as she continued to tie the tie "Visited other loops"

"Really? To do what?"

"Jake, there are some questions that I can't answer, all right?" She removed a pink flower from her hair and put it in his blazer pocket "So, it would be alot easier for me if you just stopped asking them"

The two stood there and stared at eachother until the sound of a bell brought them back to reality.

Eveyone else was sat around the table already when Jake and Emma came into the room. Miss Peregrine had sat Y/n at the very end of the table inbetween the masked twins and Enoch.

Emma took her seat next to Bronwyn who held up a buckle, the blonde girl took it and hooked it over her lap so she could stay seated over supper. Jake went to take a seat next to her but jumped back up when he felt someone from underneath him.

Millard : "Hey! What are you doing?"

Miss Peregrine shook her head "Millard? Go and put some clothes on. Polite persons do not take their supper in the nude"

Everyone else at the table chuckled, except Y/n who sat there in silence and kept her eyes on her lap.

"All right. All right" Millard listened to Miss Peregrine and let the room to put some clothes on. Jake carried on taking the seat near Emma and awkwardly smiled at Olive as he silently declined her request.

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