Chapter 14- Confrontation

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A/N: YOOOO IM BACK!! And with cool hair;) Enjoy this kinda short chapter!!

TW: Mentions of killing and pain, Screaming

I was pacing back and forth in our living room. Techno and Wilbur sitting on the couch, Phil on his chair, and Ranboo and Tubbo- who I had told to get to my house once we got away from the library- were sitting on our smaller couch, with their heads down, trying to not make eye contact with Phil or my brothers.

After some silence, I pause, turn to the large couch and begin to speak.

"So your telling me, I was fighting you this whole fucking time?!"

"Or your one to speak you fucking gremlin child," Wilbur interrupts. "or should I say Theseus?!"

"At Least I was out there helping people! You would've killed me if given the chance!"

"I never would have killed you! I never would have killed anyone! It was never my intention to hurt anyone!"

"Oh really? Is that so? Look at Techno! Look and Phil! They're in pain because of you!"

"Hey!" Wilbur shouts, rising quickly from the couch. " That's not fair! I think you forget that I was never the one to pull the trigger on it!"

"Well you basically loaded the gun."

Wilbur and I shut up at the lines quoted from our favorite musical. What happened to us? How did we get here? I mean, Wilbur, my own brother was the bad guy? All along? And didn't think to tell me? Sure I'm not fully innocent here, but that's besides the point. I wasn't the one going around hurting my own family.

"That's the difference, Wilbur. You knew who you were fighting. At Least I just thought you were some random asshole trying to get in the way of my life."

"I didn't even know it was you until like, an hour ago, Tommy!"

"But you knew when you were fighting Phil and Techno and clearly you didn't want to go easy on them if you had plans to meet up with Ram and Duckman to try and wipe us all out!"

"And all of you knew that you're not better than anyone else yet here you all were! Acting all high and mighty! I wanted that chance! I wanted that moment! And yes, I admit it was stupid but what else could I do?! I was blinded by jealousy and anger! I wanted this bad Tommy! And for you too! I wanted to claim that spotlight and share it with you! I thought we were both done living secretly in the shadows of Phil and Techno! Clearly I was right."

I was appalled by that statement.

"What?! I never did this for spotlight Wilbur! I wanted to help people. Feel the rush of heroism. Put my powers to use for once!"

"Well why didn't you say that, Tommy?" Phil asks, looking up at his fighting sons. "Why didn't you tell us you wanted to be a hero?"

" 'Cause I know you two!" I answer. "Techno cam try all he wants to like like some big tough guy but we all know he's a softy at heart. He didn't want Theseus out there! How do you think he would feel about his own brother?!" Techno put his head down. Phil stayed quiet so I continued.

"And don't even get me started on you Phil. You either would have played Mr. protective-dad and wouldn't have let me fight, or you would have sent me off to that hero school bullshit and made me train with these people who don't understand my ability."

"I could have taught you Tommy! I would've helped you! Sure, Techno would've taken a bit of convincing, but we would've helped you in the end! Tommy," I look to Phil as he stands from his chair and walks over to me, placing a strengthening hand on my shoulder.

"You never have to do anything like this, okay? I always want you to be safe, of course. But if this was something you really wanted we would've understood. We love you, Tommy."

My eyes aren't tearing up! Shut up!

I'm not really one for all the sappy talk so I just smile at Phil and let him take me in for a hug. He pulls back, returning the smile before changing his attention to someone else.

"Now as for you, ya little shit!" Wilbur folds in on himself, squeezing his head between his shoulders. Phil walks over to the still standing man, grabbing his upper arm. Wil's eyes widen in terror before Phil pulls him in for another hug. "Don't you ever go out trying to kill me ever again or you'll be grounded for life! You hear me!"

"I wasn't even trying to- *sigh- yes, Phil." Wilbur replies, letting himself sink into the hug. They let go, turning to me. I know what they're waiting for.

I turn to Wilbur and Techno. "Guys I- I'm really sorr-" They grabbed me pulling me close into a big hug that I totally hated. "Ehk! Gross! Get off me! Philll!" But they don't let go. Guess they accept my apology.

I see Phil look over at a smaller couch still hosting my two best friends. "And you two knew about all this?"

"Well, only about Tommy! I had some suspicions on wilbur of course but I didn't want to get Tommy worried! I was also too lazy to look into it.."

"Hm." Phil says. "And you didn't think to tell us about my son's whereabouts?" Phil asks as Wil and Techno let me go.

"Tommy can be really intimidating." Ranboo nodds quickly in agreement.

"Hell ya! Be scared bitch!"

A/N: Wooooo! Hope you guys liked it! Only two more chapters to go;) Sorry its taking so long to update, high schools kicking my ass but its getting easier with my new classes this semester!! See you guys in the next chapter which will be really long as it will be the final battle!!

ps. Go check out @eplettmaster !!!! They just put out a new non-fanfiction story on their account that I will be beta reading for, for future chapters!! he's a great friend of mine so it would be awesome if you could go give his story some love as it's his first one. (it's also very gay so you know its good!!)

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