Chapter 12- Coming to you live!

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TW!!- Passing out and mentions of needles!!

A couple of days after Ram's attack on Phil, Tubbo, Ranboo and I were trying to get anything out of limited information that we could find.

I just wanted to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible. It was painful watching Techno go on hero rounds every morning looking for this guy, when I knew I couldn't go out as Theseus. I was bored.

As we were sitting in silence, with the TV on in the background, when we hear what we had been waiting for,

-"Breaking news! New sighting from hero 'Crow Father''s attacker! Currently fighting with the hero group, 'The Dream Team' in the lobby of the Manifold hotel, formally owned by now villian Jack Manifold! Keep watching for updates."-

We put down our notebooks and keep our eyes on the screen. There he was standing in front of the Dream Team, Ram.

Didn't seem like much had changed about him. He was wearing the robe with that disgusting logo on it. The horns grossly sticking out the side of his head and those ugly ass sideburns. Although this time, we noticed a red tie peeking out through his robe.

"Alright sir, this doesn't have to get messy." Dream speaks up first, standing brave next to his friends. " Just tell us what you did to The Crow Father, and we'll be on our way."

" Heh heh. Nice try Dream, but you're gonna need more than that to get anything out of me." Ram flashes his teeth in an evil grin.

"Alright then," Dream shifts his stance, Gerogenotfound and sapnap following. "Have it your way." GNF's shields popping into thin air, Sapnap's hands ignite with flames, and Dream's feet and lower legs glow green as he prepares to run.

As they leap into action the lights in the lobby flash off! The boys and I look closer to the screen in confusion. Suddenly we hear a painful scream come from the screen. The lights flash back on to see Dream now in the place Ram was once in, Sapnap fumbling on the ground, and Georgenotfound in his same spot but with Ram's arm wrapped around his thought and a large syringe in his neck.

No no no no no no no!

"No!" We hear Dream shout through the screen as GNF rolls his eyes back in his head and lets his body fall limp. Ram tosses him to the side and Dream immediately sprints to his side, bringing him into his lap. Sapnap gets off the ground and runs to stand next to Dream.

Dream is slightly shaking Georgenotfound, his hands on his face.

"George? George?! Come on! Don't- please!" George slightly grunts and tosses around in Dream's lap, reassuring Dream he's alive.

Dream's face grows red with anger, Sapnaps following suit.

"What did you do?!" Dream shouts, looking back up at Ram, but he's gone. "Fuck!"

The screen cuts back to the news anchor. "Well, uh- don't change your channel and stay tuned for more info on our mystery villain. This has been Evan MCGaming with Rivendell news-" and the screen goes static.

We sit in silence and shock at what we witnessed, until Tubbo speaks up.

"Ranboo! Activate every camera in a six mile radius from the Manifold hotel!" Tubbo rushes back to his computer as Ranboo runs over to a wall with over one hundred switches. I always wondered what those were for.

"Uh- since when do you have so many fucking cameras all over the city?"

"How else do you think I keep an eye on you on your missions? Need the angle's boss man."

Ranboo flicks on all the switches he was told to, and Tubbo's screen lights up with different parts of the city. Tubbo clicks through the different scenes, searching for whatever he was looking for before he turns to me.

"That broadcast was live, correct?"


"Well then he couldn't have gotten too far. So if i can just figure out which way he went, I should be- Got 'em!" Ranboo and I lean closer to the screen to see Ram running into an old library in the quieter side of the city. "There can't be any normal reason he wants to go into that library. I say, tomorrow, Tommy goes in to see if we can get any info on this."

"I'm in!" I shout instantly.

"I thought we weren't gonna use our powers until we know more about this guy." Ranboo says.

"Well, maybe I didn't want him to use his powers, every thought of that, bitch?! Hm?"

"First of all, you didn't want the guy with invisibility to use that power to sneak in somewhere. And two, hey. That was rude."

I roll my eyes. "Listen man, I promise I won't use my powers unless it's an absolute emergency. And when have I ever not kept a promise?"



A/N:Sorry again this chapter is kinda short. It was just gonna be the first part of the next chapter but it was taking longer to plan out and write then expected so I give you this! If i don't get the next part out on before Christmas then, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! I hope you guys have a great day of whatever it is you celebrate!!


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