Chapter 7- Don't let him die, Phil

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A/N: WOOOO! Red rabbits winner's POV!!! Enjoy this short little filler chapter!!!

What do I do? He's not gonna listen. I can't have him- I won't- I-.. I don't know anymore. With everything I feel, knowing that kid is gonna be there. He's gonna get hurt. I can't have him get hurt. It's too close too- It will be like - No. Not him. It's not him. It's a different kid. But they're- but- I can't- not him, I-

"Techno! Come on! Please hear me Tech! I'm right here." Phil?

I look up to see Phil with one hand on my cheek, the other on my shoulder, shaking me. I make eye contact with Phil and he releases the breath he was holding. I'm still shaken up and Phil moves next to me on the edge of the mall I fought in not too long ago with Theseus. He places his hand on my back, rubbing up and down, trying to help me calm down. He's done this since I was a kid.

Tommy, Wilbur and I all have different tactics that Phil uses to help us through panic attacks like this. I have massive respect for Phil having to raise 3 children all alone for so many years.

"You alright, Mate?" Phil asks. I nod in response. "You wanna talk about it?"

"I just- I don't know what to do anymore Phil, I-! *sigh- There's something about that kid but I can't tell if it's something strange or familiar.. Theseus he's- he's so much like Tommy. It's too many similarities for it to be a coincidence but- Tommy wouldn't lie, would he? He would have told us, or atleast Wilbur, then Wilbur would have told me. We promised we would tell eachother everything. He- I don't know..."

Phil continues to rub my back and just let me rant about whatever is going on.

"There's- there's something coming Phil. I know it. I just... Phil, can you promise me something?"

"Ofcourse, Tech. What is it?"

"Whatever happens, whatever this big evil is, knowing that To- Theseus is going to show up whenever it comes just- don't let him die Phil. Please, don't let him die. I can't- can't deal with another person I care about dying. Not again. Please."

He looks at me with those pitiful eyes that I hate to receive but know I need, and a soft smile.

"Ofcourse, Mate. I'll do my best." I take a deep breath of relief.

"Thank you Dad."

"Of course Techno. Of course." 

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this chapters really short. I just wanted to give you guys something while I work on bigger things. I also wanted to say thank you for all the love on this book!! I mean Over 400 reads on wattpad and 850 hits on A03! Just- Thank you so much!!!! You Have no idea how amazing this is for me!!!

And I hope you know if your ever going through something, and you want to talk, you are free to message me and I will reply as fast as I can!! Try to message me on my insta @/mckennavenger, since I have my notifs on for that and I can get to you faster!!

Love you all<33

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