18 (A)

198 6 4

Abuse, referenced rape/past sexual abuse, crying and remembering traumatising experiences. Please skip if uncomfortable.


[Dream's P.O.V]

I woke up in the middle of the night again.

Great, just perfect. Getting some sleep would be really nice as i did indeed stay up late as of recently, but the lack of sleep is slowly killing me at this point.

"Ughh.. Why can't I just sleep for god's sake?!", I asked myself, groaning loudly in frustration, falling further back into my pillow. I just started at the bland roof, focusing on the calming yet creepy silence that circled around the house, until I heard something.

It was definitely from the first floor, or perhaps, from outside? But it was concerningly close and muffled, and my first thought was that someone was getting kidnapped or something similar.

I stood up and walked over to the window and stared at our front lawn, noticing there was.. Absolutely nothing.

The streets were devoid of life, all the windows had shut their lights off. The only noise that could be heard were distant cars which didn't even pass through our street, rather somewhere further, but I barely heard those at all.

Which meant that.. Whatever the sound, it comes from downstairs. Worried, I decided to check out what was happening, it was probably Sapnap sneaking again to get his midnight snacks but underestimated my ability to sleep again.

"Sapnap I swear.. if it's you again I will spank you this time for real..", I mumbled quietly, but then realised that even if it was that, it felt.. really, really off.

I quietly opened the door and stepped outside in the dark hallway, turning left and heading down, feeling the walls and stairs as it was almost pitch black. It must be early in the morning, it seems.

Sighing, I kept cautiously heading down until I reached the last step. I almost fell there, my foot slipping from the edge and scraping the skin of it, but I still somehow managed to keep my balance. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, where the sound became louder and clearer.
It sounded like.. sobbing? And it came from Schlatt's room too..

Million thoughts came right through my head.

Did he hurt himself?

Is he okay?

Is he hurt?

Did someone break in and hurt him?

Did the hate get to him?

I walked over to his door and leaned against it, trying my best to not make a sound. The sobbing noise became louder, but after a moment it stopped and then continued.. barely stifled.

I felt the doorknob and pressed on it lightly, pushing the door forward and opening it. There I saw Schlatt. Schlatt I never even thought I'd see before. He was curled up in a ball, hugging the covers tightly as he tried his best not to cry.

What is happening?

"Schlatt..?", I called out his name with a semi-whisper, standing at the doorframe. I was frozen with worry, fear and confusion.

The only source of light in the room was the moonlight that came form his large window, but it was enough. Enough for me to see his panicked reaction when I called his name out. He sat on the bed, his eves wide and... terrified. I could see tears which formed around his puffy, red eyes, and a moment later he had his arms in a defensive position on his chest.

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