Part 8

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"Jared, I'm warning you, I'm an empathetic vomiter-- you throw up, I'm gonna throw up right back on you, and it will be profoundly disgusting" said Coach Finstock"Please don't talk about throwing up... It's not good..." Jared replied.Finstock became irritated by jared " might throw up on you just to make a point, Jared"."It's not good... It's not good..." Jared gagged.

"Now, the rest of you, don't think we're gonna miss this meet because of a slight traffic jam... a minor tornado warning... Jared... We're gonna make this thing. Nothing is gonna stop us!" spoke coach thinking to motivate the students. Stiles raised his hand to ask but the Coach only got annoyed by "Stilinski, put your hand down"

"You know, there's, like, a food exit about a half mile up. I don't know, if we stop, and then maybe--" Stiles started but coach was only too happy to interrupt "We're not gonna stop said Finstock petulantly.

"Okay, but if we stop--" Stiles tried again but was interrupted again "Stilinski! Shut it! Seriously! It's a little bus! Stop asking me questions!" Stiles was groaning "I hate him. Did you call Deathon?" he asked Scott "I keep getting his voicemail" replied Scott. "That's it. I'm calling Lydia and Allison" Stiles said as he picked up his phone and a confused Scott  "How are they gonna help, back in Beacon Hills?" Stiles looked at him with a are you serious face "They're not-- they've been following us for hours, Pathetic" Stiles scoffed the last part.

Phone conversation between Lydia (Allison) and Stiles:Lydia: Hey Stiles! Yeah, we're just about to walk into a movie! Uh, you know, the popcorn, and--Stiles: I know you guys are right behind us. Put me on speaker.Lydia: Okay...Stiles: Okay, look, Scott's still hurt.Allison: What do you mean, "still?" He's not healed?Stiles: No, he's not healing. I think he's actually getting worse. The blood's turning, like, a black color...Lydia: W-what's wrong with him?Stiles: "What's wrong with him?" I don't... Do I have a Ph.D. in lycanthropy? How am I supposed to know that?Allison: We need to get him off the bus.Lydia: And take him where, a hospital?Allison: If he's dying, yeah. Stiles, there's a rest area about a mile up. Tell the coach to pull over.Stiles: Yeah, I've been trying...Allison: Well, reason with him.Stiles: "Reason?" Have you with this guy?Allison: Just try something!

Stiles got up to ask Coach Finstock to stop, and he hated every moment of the "Coach, it's five minutes for a bathroom break, okay? We've been on this thing for, like, three hours--" but a whistle Finstock's signal stopped Stiles in his question "It's sixty miles to the next rest stop--" whistle. "Being cooped up for hours is not good--" whistle... "You know, our bladders aren't exactly--" whistle.. Stiles got frustrated "Coach, this is--" whistle.. Stiles got impatiant now "Can you please--" whistle.. Stiles was now boiling with anger "LET ME TALK--" whistle... " I'm--" whistle... "Every time--" Stiles screamed , but Finstock had had enough of "Get back to your seat, Stilinski!". "OKAY!" Stiles shouted angrily.

"Jared, keep your eyes on the horizon," said the coach, who saw Jared watch the incident. This gave Stiles an idea and sat down next to Jared with a mischievous laugh. "Hey, Jared... How you doing?" he began. Not much later, his plan was successful and the bus stopped at a gas station allowing Stiles to get Scott off the bus, because Jared just vomed.

Everyone ran out of the bus, only Jade walked quietly outside. "Jared, you suck! Hey, somebody grab some towels, or a mop... or a new bus..." Coach Finstock yelled after he opened a window and squirted some air freshener.

Allison and Lydia ran as fast as they could after Scott and Stiles after they got out of the car and took him to the restroom where she placed him between two sinks. "Oh, my God..." Stiles began, lifting Scott's shirt to look at the wound. "Why didn't you tell us?" Allison asked concerned. Scott looked at the two and spoke in a weak voice "Sorry..." it was noticeable that this took Scott a lot of strength to talk. "Okay, just give us a second, okay?" spoke Allison anxiously."This shouldn't be happening-- I've seen him heal from worse than this" Allison said in disbelief. A concerned Stiles kept looking at Scott. "Okay, what do we do, then? Do we just call an ambulance?" He looked at Allison, waiting for an answer, "What if it's too late? What if they can't help?" Allison began to panic. "We gotta do something," Stiles expressed concern."You know, it could be psychological..." Lydia interjected. with everyone looking at her asking "What do you mean? Like, psychosomatic?" Stiles asked Lydia. "Somatoformic" Lydia explained but after Stiles tried to repeat it and tripped over it, Lydia rolled her eyes and went on to explain "A physical illness from a psychogenic cause?..." everyone still looked at her questioningly and Lydia sighed deeply. , sometimes she couldn't believe that her friends knew so little "It's all in his head"

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