Part 5

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After Jade came home and wrote down everything she'd heard and seen, she had a hunch that a dark druid must be at work here. But they are good in disguising themselves. She knew that when she lived in Beacon Hills, there was only one emissary from the Hale family who might still live here, and the man always pretended to be a veterinarian. Normally no one knew who the emissary in the pack was. But Talia had taken Jade to Deathton's after joining them six years ago for a checkup and advice.

Jade went to the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic where she remembered that Deaton worked. When she got there she heard two men talking and waited at a distance because she didn't know exactly who might be there.

"It's not gonna hurt him, is it?" asked a voice she didn't recognize."Just a little. But, I usually find that it's the owners... Who feel the most pain" said Deaton, looking sympathetically at the dog's owner Bullet. The man walked out with his dog through the back where Jade happened to be waiting in the shade. She heard two more voices in the animal clinic and knew Scott was there too. Jade was focused on what Deaton and Scott were saying that at first she didn't hear Bullet's owner calling him, the second the owner called Bullet she looked at the man. "Bullet?, Come here, Bullet... Come here, Bullet..." cried the man, who got on his knees to look under a container where the dog apparently was. "Ahh! Son of a bitch! Did you just bite me?" the man shouted angrily at the dog. Before the man could reach for his dog again, he heard a voice "Closer...Come closer..." was a distorted voice. Jade's eyes widened and wanted to run directly to the man, a terrible premonition crept over Jade, but before she came close to the man, he disappeared under the container. Jade ducked on her stomach to see if she could find anything, something that would give her a clue as to who the darach might be. All she found was the man's dog under the dumpster that was now squeaking. Not much later, she heard Scott McCall's voice say he was going to pick up the owner she knew he wouldn't find and decided to hide on her own.

Scott had looked everywhere but only found the dog Bullet and saw that the man's car was still there. Scott ran in and told Deaton what he had found or hadn't found. After waiting an hour, Scott finally left and Jade decided to go inside. She knocked on the door and opened the door. Deaton didn't even turn around when he heard the door open to the room he was in. "We are closed I would like to ask you if you would like to come back tomorrow" said Deaton without turning around. Jade hesitated for a moment but knew she had to ask because she couldn't figure it out herself "I was hoping you could help me with a special question emissary" that last word made Deaton turn around and looked with wide surprised eyes at the young ladies who stood in front of him. "Jade?.. Jade? is that you?" Jade was surprised that Deathon would still recognize her. The last time Jade saw him she was 10 years old now she was 16 she must have changed a lot. Jade nodded at the man with a small smile on her face. "What are you doing here? Do you know your father is here too?" asked Deathon concerned. Jade looked at the ground and swallowed once before returning her gaze to Deaton "I already had that idea and if a dark druid is engaged in human sacrifice, anyway that's what I think is going on here and my father here "Something big is about to happen. I've been on the run from the fire for 6 years and promised myself never to come back here, but something inside me told me to go here," said Jade. "How long have you been here? And why didn't you come by sooner? I thought you died in the fire like everyone else," Deaton wondered. "mmmh, I've been here for a little over half a year  now, but I didn't dare go here. I didn't know if you were still there and didn't want to hope you were there and then finally find out that you weren't there after all It wasn't until I heard from Scott that you were his boss that I knew you were alive," Jade explained. Deaton had a sympathetic look and sympathized with the young lady. "Does Scott know you're a werewolf? I know you know he's one, but I see you've blocked your scent.

"Scott doesn't know I'm a werewolf and I like to keep it that way. You know like me that my father spares no one and I don't want to endanger Scott or the others." Deaton just nodded. "I came here because I wanted to know if the human sacrifices of the dark druid are the sacrifices to make a druid stronger" Jade began, hoping what she had in mind was wrong. Deaton seemed to be thinking and picked up an old grimoire and flipped through the pages. Jade stood next to him and looked through the pages together. "here" pointed to Jade on a page with instructions on how to get stronger. And exactly what Jade feared came true. "You were right Jade" came a bit defeated from Deaton who didn't realize this yet. "Jade why don't you work with Scott, I think you two can help each other.." Deaton started but Jade shook her head "I don't want to endanger him any further than he already is" Deaton could sense that she was scared was what her father might do to her or those around her. "Jade, you know you are the crescent wolf, you have more power than you think. But you need a pack too" Jade looked at him with tears welling in her eyes. After the fire, she never wanted to be part of a pack again. The Hale family was her family too and no one could replace them. And if she found a pack and it would also be attacked by Hunters... she didn't want to experience that again. "I don't want to lose anyone who is dear to me, my family is gone and I have to live without them" she said as a tear ran down her cheek. "Jade.." Deaton began realizing that even though she had been in Beacon Hills for a little over half a year, she didn't know that Derek was still alive and even Cora was alive. "Jade, I have something to tell you" Deaton started quietly. Jade looked at him questioningly, not knowing what he wanted to say. "Derek and Cora are still alive" Jade was stiff with disbelief at what she heard. "They...they...are still alive?" she stuttered in amazement. "I thought the fire had killed everyone!" 

"Peter is still alive, or should I say again," Deaton added.

"Duacalion wants to add Derek to his pack and for that Derek has to .." Deaton began "Kill his own pack members.. yes I know what my father is asking" Jade panicked after she finished the sentence, how could she go and help him. "I have to help them, but what do I say to them.. I can't just knock on the door and say 'hey, long time no see, but I'm still alive.. surprise' "Jade chattered. "I think both Derek and Cora will be happy to find out you're still alive, especially Derek," Deaton laughed. "I remember well how he always protected you and preferred to go everywhere with you. He was very protective of his little sister, everyone was of you" Jade smiled at the memory. "Would you please not tell anyone that I'm alive or who I am? I'll tell them myself when I'm ready" she whispered the last part. She thought it might be better if no one found her, because then they wouldn't be in any additional danger. "I'm sure they will understand you and still love you immensely, just like me," said Deaton with a smile. Jade turned herself to leave. "Thank you... It's nice to see you again... uncle D" Jade laughed softly which made Deaton laugh too.


Scott and Stiles were in the boys' locker room changing for larose training the next day, discussing the missing man bringing the dog Bullet. Scott explained that the man was only missing, but Stiles didn't believe that. He worried that the man would also be a virgin and that Stiles who is also a virgin could be next became hysterical "Missing and presumed dead because he's probably a virgin, Scott! And you know who else is a virgin? Me I'm a virgin, okay? And you know what that means? It means that my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to my life! Okay, I need to have sex, like, right now. sex with me, like, today. Like, someone needs to sex me right now!"

Danny sat down next to them and heard Stiles plead "All right, I'll do it" Danny joked.Stiles yelled "What???". "Come to my place at nine. Plan to stay the night. I like to cuddle" he continued and Stiles had a surprised look "Oh, that's so sweet. Are you kidding?""Yes! I'm kidding!" said Danny exasperatedly. Stiles became offended "Okay, you know, you don't toy with a guy's emotions like that, Danny! It's not attractive, all right?" he called after as Danny walked away from the two.

Coach interrupted the bickering "I'll remind you all, cross-country is not optional for lacrosse players! I don't need you turning into a bunch of fat-asses in the off season... So, work on that.. ."


While Scott, Isaac and Stiles were lining up to start the cross-country when a well-known brunette joined them. "What are you doing here?" Isaac asked, seeing Jade standing in line. She shrugged "Coach, saw me run once and he made me join and now I am here" 

Jade looked at the boys and got a mischievous smile on her face "race ya?" the boys liked to compete and didn't think Jade could beat them, but their answer was delayed when Aiden and Ethan the twins also got in line and looked at the boys next to Jade with a smile on their faces" It's them!" replied Isaac, the anger clearly audible. "What's the matter with them?" Jade wondered out loud before the start signal sounded and the twins ran away laughing and Isaac sprinted after them. "Stay with the group" Scott shouted as he glanced at Jade and then quickly ran after Isaac. Stiles and Jade ran after the group together, but Jade stopped when she smelled blood. Not much later, she heard a scream and quickly ran to that spot. Jade immediately saw this as a new offering and went to see if she could find something of a recognition. Until now she had no idea who the Darach might be and it frustrated her immensely. She had a strange feeling about two teachers but had no idea that a Darach would teach at a high school, so didn't think twice about that.

Jade walked around the spot where the person was tied to the tree looking for clues. Her attention was drawn to the imprint of a shoe in the ground. That was all she could find and unfortunately she couldn't do much with it. "Jade?" it sounded. She immediately turned and walked back to where the group was standing. "Where were you?" asked Isaac who saw Jade come out from behind a tree "Sorry, but that" Jade pointed at the deceased person and started to gag "Isn't something I hope to see again" Jade immediately made an excuse for why she isolated herself from the group and her acting skills were believable because the sympathetic looks on the three boys' faces told her she believed her. Scott walked up to her and hugged her. "I love your hugs" Jade muttered, but Scott heard it and put his arms around her tighter.

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