Chapter Eight

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The same small girl with red hair who lowered me from my chains coughs and she tries to wipe the mud off her face and the clumps in her hair. Pablo suddenly throws Isabela at the wall and she collapses onto the ground.

"ISABELA!" I shriek, reaching out with an extended hand.

"So Elsa," Pablo looks at me wickedly, "care to give up your powers now?"

"Don't do it, Elsa," Isabela groans.

Pablo kicks her stomach.

"STOP!" Carlotta shouts. She stands right in front of Pablo.

Pablo's corrupt smile turned even more malicious.


{Elsa's POV}

Pablo lifted his hand up and Carlotta's eyes grow wide. I was at a loss of words and Isabela wasn't even conscious. You could hear a pin drop inside of the cave. Pablo's hand whipped the side of Carlotta's cheek. Carlotta was flown (because of the blow) to the other side and she crumpled to the ground. A large reddish pink hand print appeared on her cheek.

Angrily, I pull on the cage bars but all that just made the cage swing.

"You monster!" Isabela screams, "how could you?!" She weakly tries to lift herself up but Pablo kicks her down again.

"Oh relax," Pablo scoffed, "she's fine."


"Carlotta?!" Isabela crawls towards her, "are you ok? Wake up!"

Isabela turns the shoulder of the girl so her face was upwards and a bruise was already forming on Carlotta's face.

"I'll give you my powers!" I shout, "but you have to let Isabela and Carlotta go!"

"The five year old?" Pablo rolled his eyes, "she wasn't any use anyways."


{Isabela's POV}

I look up at Elsa who powerlessly grabbed on to the bars. She was willingly to sacrifice herself for me. Tears well up in my eyes as I draw in a shaky breath. I knew she wanted to freeze them off but this is all Abuelo Pablo's fault. I slowly cradle Carlotta and limply stand up.

I'll save you.

Pablo snaps his fingers and two people draw vines back and a small cavern is revealed with a mine cart. Suddenly someone lifts me up and roughly drops me into the mine cart.

"OW!" I screech, "Elsa! No! Get off of me!"

The cart starts to move down faster down the hill.

"The princess needs some help from a strong prince doesn't she?" Someone harshly whispered into my ear.

"AUGH!" I shriek and slap the person behind me.

"Ouch, princesa," the man says.

I whip my head around, "get me out of here."

"I'm sorry, princesa," the man says, "these are orders."

"Oh really?" I lean closer to his face. He's got big brown eyes and shaggy brown hair. The man's face turns pink and that's when I know he's let his guard down. I then grab his hands and start prying his fingers off.

"STOP THAT!" he shouted.

"Make me!" I taunted.

"I can't do that, princesa" the man says, "I would. But I can't."

"Stop calling me that," I growl, "and why?"

"Would you disobey your Abuela?" 

I stare back at him, shocked and at a loss of words.

"No..." I muttered.


Annoyed, I continue to pry his fingers off but then there was a shuffling at my feet. A small thin body was moving.


Her breathing was shaky and unsteady. She really needed her medical attention. Crap, I forgot she was still here. I need to get her to Mamá right away. But what about Elsa?

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