Chapter Two -The Ceremony- Pt. 2

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I think for a second, "then we'll sleep over with you!"

"We?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Dolores, duh!"


{Isabela's POV}

"You ready?" I asked Dolores.

She didn't dare to look me in the eyes and just nodded.

"Hey," I nudged her, "you know how I feel about Mariano, right? I wouldn't EVER betray you."

Dolores sadly looked at me and muttered, "I know."

I hoist my sleeping bag over my shoulder and leave the casita.


{Elsa's POV}

There was a loud smash and the house started to shake.

"What did you guys do?" I asked, running into her room.

"We were throwing a boulder around," Olaf explained, "and then it smashed a pillar."

Anna yelled, "everybody! Out!"

I grabbed Olaf just in time and jumped out the window, landing on my arm.

"Elsa! Are you ok?" Isabela cried, dropping everything and rushing towards me.
She helped me up and I tried to ignore the tingling sensation in my hand as she led me to the casita. Dolores quietly trailed behind, helping Sven and Olaf. Isabela gives us all an arepa her mom made and we all chew it.

"Mmm!" Anna grinned, "is there cheese inside of this, Mrs. Madrigal?"

"Call me Julieta," the woman smiled.

Dolores asked me, "so, where are you going to stay now?"

"I guess I'll just create another home," I say, "or we might just head home. The ceremony is over."

"No way!" Isabela said and then slung her arm over my shoulder. I flinched and Isabela slightly lifted her arm, "you just got here a day ago. We can be roomies!"

"Yeah," Dolores added, "who's to say that one of them might not break your next house?"

"Fine..." I simper.

*time skip to the sleepover*

Inside Isabela's room, nothing had changed. It was pretty late at night, Dolores, Isabela and I had stayed up playing truth or dare, spin the nail polish and MASH.

"Hey Dolores," Isabela grins, "it's the blindfolded makeup challenge now!" She eagerly put on her blindfold and reached for the makeup supplies.

"Don't put lipstick on my eyebrows again, Isabela!" Dolores giggled.

"Hey, I'm going to go get some water," I said, standing up.

Dolores said, "the kitchen is downstairs, if you don't remember."

I nodded and headed out of Isabela's room. I opened the door and gently shut it, it was pretty late and Antonio had already fallen asleep. Isabela and Dolores's giggling went faint and then I could also hear Anna and Luisa's laughter... and a faint sound of whimpering. It was almost like Antonio's crying... but it was coming from Camilo's room. I opened the door and I could see Camilo shapeshifting into many people.

"Hey Amora, how's it going?" Camilo said, shapeshifting into a woman and then shapeshifting into a man, "hola, Amora." He said in a different voice.

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