28 - ignorant bliss

Start from the beginning

I looked at myself if the mirror before I heard a knock at the door and Ashers voice "Hey, commet, we're all downstairs waiting, let's go."

"Okay coming now, no need to get your panties in a twist."

I didn't hear a responce but I assume he had rolled his eyes as he walked off.

I readjusted my hair in the mirror before I walked to the door and opened it, closing it shut behind me on my way out.

I made my way down the hall and toward the stairs that led to the front door.

I reached the top of the stairs to see a group of ten guys and Asher were waiting at the bottom, waiting for me I presume.

I caught Ashers eye and smiled at him as I made my way down the stairs but as I got half way down and looked down briefly to check my footing, Damian had walked to Asher with his head down at some papers he held in his hand.

He was talking to Asher and hadn't even noticed I was walking down the stairs but by the time I had gotten to the last steps, the other guys all had there eyes on me.

A few of them whistled and clapped whilst another that I recognised, came forward to take my hand and spin me around to display myself for the guys.

I rolled my eyes and laughed at their games as did they but my laughter stopped when I turned to see Damian staring intensely at me.

It was the kind of stare that either said 'you look so good I don't have words' or 'I want to kill your ugly ass face you skank-bitch' and honestly, I'm not sure which would I would rather.

"This is gonna be so fun, you're gonna beat him up so bad, his face is gonna be smashed in and bloody and bruised and theres gonna be brains everywhere and-"

"Yeah, dude, we get it, she's gonna beat him up."

I chuckled at the guy who obviously liked a good fight before turning back to see Damian who still had his eyes on me.

His jaw was clenched and he was gripping the paper that he still held, a lot tighter from before.

Why was he so angry about seeing me?

I must of looked like an idiot simply standing there like a dear in the headlights as he looked at me from top to bottom whilst the other guys were talking between themselves.

"Let's go."

Asher commanded us to walk to the cars and the guys all checked to make sure they had their guns before stepping outside.

I followed but as I stepped out the door I heard a deep voice, his voice tell Asher something in a somewhat hushed voice.

"I'm coming."

I could still feel his eyes on me so I continued walking until I got the black car where the guy who was rooting for me to make someone bleed tonight, opened the door.

"I'm Cole by the way, I've seen you around, always thought we'd get on well seeing as... you know... you can make a grown man cry and I think it's funny."

I smirked but all I said in response was my name.


I ducked the roof of the car as I slid in the front passenger seat.

Cole sat in the back and five minutes went by before Asher came out of the front door with Damian by his side.

I heard the drivers car door and turned, expecting to see Asher but to my surprise, Damian climbed in and started the engine as Asher opened the door and got into the back seat next to Cole.

He looked at the road in front of him with intensity like he didn't want to be here, his hands were gripped firmly on the wheel.

I stopped glancing over at him and decided to pay more attention to outside my window, watching the dark buildings and people which were lit by street lights, go by.

I found it peaceful to look at others, people that lived a 'normal' life. The life in which you can go out to the shops to buy milk without having to take a gun with you or go to school where the only problems you have are rumours.

They were all so clueless about the monsters that walk among them it was like they had a bubble of ignorance covering them and following where ever they went.

Even the police weren't completely on their sides. They were normally bought of by people like Damian so we could do and kill what ever and who ever we wanted.

And yet no matter how many times I told myself it would be horrible to live in a world where you were clueless of the horrors of which you were sheltered of, I still felt somewhat jealous of the people who live in ignorant bliss.

I turned my head to the wind shield to see a pink light had consumed the glass. It was the light of the neon sign which stood above the nightclubs entrance, big enough for everyone in a 5 mile radius to see.

"Okay, Nova you're going to go in and watch to see if he comes in. Keep a low profile in case someone recognises you and if you find him say 'fire ablaze' into this microphone you'll be wearing."

Asher handed me a small microphone as he gave me the instructions and I pinned it to the inside of my dress so they would be able to hear me clearly before he continued.

"If he comes in, lure him out and we'll come to take him."

I give him a glare to give him a chance to correct himself which he did once he realised his mistake.

"Sorry, you will beat him up and capture him. We'll just carry him into the car."

"I could always drag his sorry ass." I muttered under my breath so Asher didn't hear but I think Damian did as he chuckled a little before stopping suddenly once he had realised what he did.

I took a deep breath before opening the car door and stepping out then I made my way towards the club entrance.

Ciao, I think I have about one more language to say hello in before I run out, I was always pretty shite at language

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Ciao, I think I have about one more language to say hello in before I run out, I was always pretty shite at language

and yes I know thats not how you spell shit but I meant it as like shite you know where you pronounce the I and in I am and not I like an e if that makes any sense at all

but anyways I just wanted to say that I'm from England and this is obviously based in America so if I get words like 'color' wrong its because we spell it as colour and also you guys say trunk and we say boot.

Theres like a million more but I can't be asked to say more so yeah hope you enjoyed the chapter.

oh and this is Nova's dress :

oh and this is Nova's dress :

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