• Chaper 1 •

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My blood hit the burning coal making it sizzle.
"I'm Eric, one of your leaders. If you want to enter Dauntless this is the way in... If you don't have the guts to jump then you don't belong in dauntless" he stood tall on edge of the building.

My orange dress blew in the wind. I tucked a curl behind my ear.

"Is there water at the bottom or something?" A guy around his 20's spoke up bravery. This Eric guy is quite intimidating with his fixed stare and solid build.

"I'll guess you'll find out" he scanned around the group. I pulled my dark red cardigan around me tighter. His eyes met mine. I stood frozen, I almost felt self conscious.

A girl dressed in grey with dirty blonde hair turned around and smiled at me. "Abnegation" she held out her hand. "Amtiy" we shook hands. "Well actually you are dauntless" a girl with short dark hair and wearing white said smiling.

"Well someone's got to go first who's it going to be?" Eric shouted. Everyone froze. Looking around everyone took a step back as if were Eric was stood was on fire.


"Me" the Abnegation girl who was stood next to me stepped forward. WHAT IS SHE CRAZY?! Everyone looked at her as if SHE was on fire. Eric jumped of the edge to let her step on. She took her cardigan off and climbed up. She looked down. Then she jumped.

I gasped, too loud. What if she's gone? What if Eric was just trying to get rid of us? What if- "you're next"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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