"Mr Xiao?" Xian immediately stood up when he heard the doctor's voice.

"Is my brother alright doctor?" he asked, panicking...

The doctor sighed at Xian and hearing this, Xian could tell that the news wasn't good. So he told the doctor to tell him about Zhan's current condition and that he would be the one to break the news to his parents who were currently riding towards here. "Tell me, doctor...how is my brother?"

"Hah..." the doctor sighed as he took off his surgical gloves before facing back to Xian who was on the verge of crying. He could tell how much this man treasured his own brother. It was as if he was ready to kill all people for his brother. "Truth to be told, Zhan's condition isn't getting any better. He's slowly getting worse...his heartbeat is becoming irregular so with this we knew that his heart is already failing...if we can't find a donor in 5 hours then we would expect the worst-case scenario to happen," the doctor explained, without taking a break.

Xian was beyond devastated, if he couldn't find a donor in 5 hours then Zhan would...and it would be impossible to find a donor in such a short time, considering Zhan's rare blood type and if they were to find a brain dead person then that would happen to be in other countries which would become to no use since it takes more than 3 hours to travel inside China and considering the amount of time they have to spend in order to find a perfect donor would take more than 3 hours!

In short, whatever they do would be useless...


And so Xian grabbed his phone, harshly wiped his tears and absorbed all the positivity he could absorb as he put his faith in that one person...and so with just a second, he grabbed his phone and dialled that person's number.



Loud steps could be heard echoing throughout the hallway as they made one destination and that is none other than Xiao Zhan's room.  When Xian caught the figure of his parents, he immediately leapt off his seat and ran to hug his mother who was now also bursting into tears while his father was just watching the both of them crying their hearts out. 

As Mr Xiao watched the scene, he noticed how vulnerable his eldest son truly is. He thought that he was strong to the point of not paying attention to his little brother at all, but the truth was, what he expected was indeed the opposite. His son was neither strong nor weak, he was the type to show his ruthless side to those who needs to see it and he would display his weak side to his one and only brother. Mr Xiao now noticed why his eldest son was so afraid and formal to him...it wasn't because Xian wanted to impress him, it was because Xian's greatest fear was disappointing his father.

"Shh, son...your mother's here," Mrs Xiao called out and rubbed his son's back continuously as her tears were also falling. "Honey, what are we going to do..." Mrs Xiao turned and asked his husband who was busy thinking about something and a while later, he then turned to his wife with tears now also brimming in his eyes. "I also don't know hon," he blurted as he looked away from his wife and son. In his whole life as a father, he doted everything on Zhan since he knew that the child was born frail so ever since Zhan was born, he prepared himself to this day that if something happens to his last born then he'll just let it be and not interfere with what destiny wishes..."what a cruel father" was what everyone told him but he didn't mind it since Zhan would still leave this world after a while.

But what happened right now was very far from what he prepared the moment Zhan was born. He could never let destiny do what it wants to his own blood and flesh, oh how he wants to beat the shit out of his past self for preparing this kind of rubbish. Right now, he just wanted to go into Zhan's room and apologize to Zhan... for what he did and what he prepared himself for.

The Day He Said Goodnight (YiZhan) ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें