Chapter 10

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It was Monday afternoon, classes were still going and chatters could be heard on the back part of the classroom. It was two students, constantly bickering with each other while their teacher was discussing the different blood types that each human has.

"Zhan, what's your type?" Yibo asked after he got tired when Zhan decided to ignore him and finally listened to the lecture.

Zhan who wasn't paying attention to his seatmate decided to answer casually, "AB negative..." he gave Yibo the answer. He thought that the younger would tease him about it even if there's nothing to tease with, he found it strange and so, he decided to ask, "what about you?" 

"You," Yibo replied shortly and Zhan, without putting much thought into it just nodded and continued listening to the teacher. After a while, he finally realized what Yibo meant and so he immediately looked at the person beside him who was watching him with an annoying smirk plastered on his lips.

"WHAT?" Zhan immediately stood up as he slammed his table loud, catching the whole class' attention. "Mr Xiao, what happened for you to react so violently like this?" the teacher asked Zhan with anger in his tone. He was disappointed that his most behaved student turned out to be like this. "Sir, this is not what you think..." Zhan tried to explain himself but was also accompanied by Yibo's laugh making their teacher unable to hear his explanation. 

"That's it! Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo, out of the class! Right now!" their teacher screamed until his face turned red, making him almost a tomato. Zhan who had never experienced this in his whole life sluggishly grabbed his bag and stormed out of the classroom making Yibo the only one left alone. "Oie, Zhan!" he shouted and ran outside, trying to think where Zhan could possibly run to.

While Zhan on the other hand went to the school's pond and grabbed some little pebbles which he decided to throw in any direction just to let out his frustration. In his whole life, this was the first time where he had been kicked out by the teacher from class. And the reason for this was because of his one friend, that friend whom he had trusted so much that he doesn't know what to do if he ever leaves him.

"That bastard..." Zhan threw a pebble on the ground, "...he decided to try a joke on me..." he then threw it on the pond, "...and the result is I got kicked out from class," the last pebble, he threw it on the air as hard as he could.

"Ouch," a voice winced. Zhan froze when he hit someone with the pebble he just threw in full force. "Hey, who was that?" the voice asked loudly and Zhan's anxiety immediately calmed down when he heard the voice more clearly. It was Yibo's.

"You deserved it, jerk," Zhan mumbles and sat at the ground waiting for Yibo to come to him and apologize for what he did.

"Zhan...I just want you to know..." Yibo started with his tone all down as if he really has regretted what he did to Xiao Zhan earlier. So Zhan decided to hear out his apology, so he looked up and saw Yibo having a smirk, still plastered on his face.

"...that I don't regret it one bit," he then gave Zhan his mischievous smile which the younger found annoying. "Aiya, you-" Zhan stood up and was about to give the younger a good beating but Yibo pulled him first. 

"Since we were kicked out from class," Yibo started which Zhan immediately retorted with a glare, "yeah, because of you,"

"Since we're kicked out from class...because of me..." Yibo edited his statement and Zhan found it satisfying that Yibo was admitting his mistake, "...then let us go outside and do some things!" Yibo exclaimed as he pulled Zhan making the other unable to respond back as he was dragged by Yibo wherever he liked.

The Day He Said Goodnight (YiZhan) ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora