Chapter 8

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Yibo stood there, frozen, unable to move because of the sudden event that happened in his life. In his whole life, he had never experienced this, seeing his loved one laying on the bed fighting for his life. Even both of his grandparents are still alive, Yibo had never seen a loved one having a hard time in front of him, battling against death. 

He just stood there, watching the doctors trying to bring back Zhan to life. That is when a nurse came to him and pulled him and sooner closed the door, leaving the two of them completely outside while the doctor kept shouting. "Sir, take deep breaths," Yibo looked at the nurse with horror in his eyes. He immediately recognized the nurse just by a glance, it was the same nurse that kept bugging him to go home for the past few days. 

"Sir, please sit down," the nurse urged Yibo to take a seat down on a seat that was located across Xiao Zhan's room. "I-Is he go-going to b-be alright?" Yibo stuttered his question and the nurse just nodded, understanding Yibo's situation. Who can blame Yibo to react like this when this is the first time he saw Zhan's attack like this. For the past few days, Zhan's attack became frequent but this is the first time where the attack cause much damage that the doctor had to use a defibrillator and is also uncertain whether Xiao Zhan will overcome this obstacle or not.

"That..." the nurse had a hint of hesitation in her voice. She was indeed not sure what the outcome will be but just from her observations for the past few days, he clearly saw the will on Xiao Zhan's eyes when she visits him for his daily medications. The will on his eyes became bigger when Yibo comes and visit him. But of course, she has to keep it to herself, she doesn't want to give the lad false hope, "...I'm not sure but let's hope that he can fight it, alright?" the nurse patted Yibo's back so that even if just a bit, she can ease his nervousness mixed with anxiety and other negative emotions.

Yibo sighed, his foot tapping the floor impatiently as he was waiting for the doctor to come out with the news but at the same time, he also doesn't want to hear the update, especially if it's negative. "Take deep breaths," the nurse coaxed Yibo to calm down and to her relief, it slowly worked as Yibo's breathing became calmer. 

Seconds passed, loud shouts clashing against the floor could be heard. Yibo looked up and saw a man in his early thirties, carrying his outer coat and stopped in front of Xiao Zhan's door. He was about to open the door when the nurse that was staying at Yibo's side immediately acted fast, "sir, you are not allowed to go there yet. Please wait here," the man then turned and looked at the nurse. When Yibo's eyes fell on the man's face, he could immediately tell that this man was Xiao Zhan's older brother as they have similar features that people could mistake as twins. Just from staring, Yibo noticed that the mole that is located below Zhan's mouth is placed opposite of his brother's. 

"All right," Xiao Zhan's brother then sat beside Yibo. The younger was surprised at how calm Zhan's brother's response was, it was as if he was never concerned about his younger brother but when he remembered the fact that the older ran his way here made Yibo realize that the older really does love his younger brother. 

"Who are you?" Yibo was pulled back into his senses when he heard the deep and authoritative voice of Zhan's brother who is now facing him. "I, uh, I-I'm Yibo, Wang Yibo," Yibo stuttered just from the cold gaze he received from the older. "What are you doing here Yibo?" the voice sounded like it demanded an immediate answer and so, Yibo just complied and immediately answer as if they were both boss and an employee. 

"I was about to visit Zhan when I heard the doctor shout things. I immediately knew that Zhan was having a hard time and so the nurse came and aided me to sit down and calm down my breathing," Yibo explained, not leaving a single detail out while Xiao Zhan's brother listened with utmost focus.  

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