Chapter 11

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The moment Xian arrived back to Zhan's ward with the doctor following after him when he saw the situation of his own brother, he froze. "Z-Zh-Zhan," his voice croaked out. Even though he was frozen to his position, the doctor immediately got into action and called some nurses to back him up. When the nurses arrived, one of them gently grabbed Xian away from the scene and pulled him outside, so that he could get himself back. 

"Mr Xiao, stay here and if you could. I would need your help to call your parents so..." the nurse's voice slowly faded out since she didn't want to bring more chaos into Xian's mind but the man was willing to hear the worst part even though he prepared himself for it, "say it, nurse," Xian encouraged the nurse and so the nurse bit her lip before telling Xian the worst possible scenario, " that if something happens to Zhan, they will be able to see him one last time..."

After saying that, the nurse shut his mouth back and went into Zhan's ward so that she can assist the doctor in retrieving the life out of Zhan's almost lifeless body. When the nurse left, Xian lifted his shaking hand with him holding his phone as he dialled his parents' number hoping that they would immediately pick up his call. In a matter of seconds, a deep voice could be heard from the other line.

"What is it Xian?" his father's authoritative voice clouded their conversation. If this was just a normal phone conversation concerning one of their companies then Xian would've answered his father immediately and stated the problem using his formal tone or professional tone. But today wasn't one of the days where he wanted to call his father concerning their company, he called his father because of his little brother, the only one who's inside the room and is currently fighting for his life. 

"D-Dad..." his tone was no longer professional, nor formal...instead it was vulnerable as if the ruthless business tycoon is exposing his weak self to his father who hated weak people ever since he came of age. 

Xian's father who was surprised at his son's tone decided to drop off the cold father attitude and decided to ask his eldest child, "What is it Xian?" he asked again, in a much softer voice and hoping that his son would answer it. However, instead of words, Mr Xiao could only hear muffled sobs on the other line.

"Xian..." Mr Xiao called out and was currently nervous about what news Xian would tell him. He never his sone's tone like this. Finally, Xian had the strength to tell his father what was going on, "Zhan."

One word was enough to make Mr Xiao run out of his office and grabbed his wife who was at their other company, managing their other business. When Mr Xiao arrived at his wife's company, he immediately strode towards Mrs Xiao's office and banged the door open, revealing his wife who was buried under her untouched documents. "Honey, what's wrong?" Mrs Xiao asked her husband who was acting strange. Ever since he married this man, he never saw this kind of attitude from him...well except when she gave birth to Xian and the next few years to Zhan. But aside from that, she found it strange that her husband was acting like this...especially since she wasn't in labor, nor giving birth to another son.

"Zhan," Mr Xiao only uttered Zhan's name but it was more than enough to get Mrs Xiao's head out of the documents that buried her almost 2 feet under. The couple immediately made their way to the hospital where Zhan was admitted to.


Xian was standing there, pacing back and forth, waiting for his parents to show up so that he could share with them the news about Zhan from the doctor who had talked to him earlier.

Flashback, minutes ago...

Xian was sitting down, fidgeting his fingers with one another and continuously biting his lower lip to suppress himself into bursting inside the room and reviving Zhan with his own hands.

The Day He Said Goodnight (YiZhan) ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora