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They are just two days out from Lexin when they encounter the Silver dragon leader. The silver queen waits and watches as the elven party comes closer. Alaric arrives before words are said. Words that would ruin all chances of the silvers joining with them if Jessa says what he thinks she would say from her expression. He's never seen a dragon so ready for a fight before.

How Jessa is acting thrills him. He can't wait to see what happens. Just two more days until they hit Lexin going at the pace they'd been going.

"Jessa, Prince might I present her majesty queen Ellen of the silver dragons." Alaric says and steps away from the silver dragon. He doesn't want to get in Jessa's way if things go sideways.

"Queen Ellen, thank you for meeting with us." Jessa says not sure exactly what to say to the silent female before her. She is even harder to read than Alaric is.

"I hear that you think you will be able to get those arrogant pricks to do what I and mine couldn't." The queen states to Jessa. She looks Jessa over minutely before turning her attention to the elven prince. 

"I hear that they are your cousins, my commiserations prince."

Ellen's words make Jessa snicker and Dhiren smile a genuine smile. "Thank you, My Lady. I haven't had to deal with them for over a century and I haven't missed them at all. I understand that they are even more unbearable than they were back then. I do apologize for you having to suffer their arrogance first hand."

The queen sniffs in derision. "They will suffer more than the rest of us soon enough. I have already sent my females, young and eggs to Silva. I also have instructed them to fly any males and some of my younger males to fly any of the females that they can. Unfortunately the majority of my people aren't of the age to decently fight. None of them are any where near your abilities Princess." The queen sees the nearly hidden wince Jessa gives at her title.

"I have heard that you don't like titles and prefer not using them. Is this true?" Ellen demands.

"Yes you have heard true. I grew up without one and don't wish to be bothered with the weight of one at this time."

At this the queen smirks, "From what I have heard you actually have two titles, crown princess of the gold dragons and crown princess of the moon elves. I would imagine the weight of just one of those crowns would be enough to give any one a headache. One of the only good things to come from that damn war is the fact that we didn't have to wear those crowns around humans any more. Actually, it's having to not have to be around humans much any more that is the true bonus."

"Now, Ellen be nice." Alaric says smirking at his fellow dragon's attitude towards humans.

"I am, at least they are better than those arrogant bastards in Lexin." Ellen turns her attention to Jessa then.  "Talk to me about what the plans are and what you know."

Before Jessa could start talking there is a great noise that gets them all looking around.

It's Alaric that figures it out first. "Shit, they found us." He mutters.

Jessa was close enough that she heard him and so takes out her sword.

"Put it away, Jessa. It's not an enemy," Alaric says resigned. 

Mel sticks his head up and becomes visible. "It's my people and our cousins. Hold tight to your temper Jessa, it's about to get really noisy really fast."

The dragons including the silver queen get a rather sick look on their faces. All except Dhiren, Sorsha and Jessa. Sorsha looks around excitedly and Dhiren and Jessa cautiously.

Shortly they are overwhelmed by a swarm of tiny dragons even smaller than Mel and some about another of dragons about his size.

"Jessa, Dhiren, meet our little cousins, the prismatic dragons and fairy dragons." Alaric says sourly.

The other dragons look like they feel how Alaric sounds.

In the noise Mel flies up from Jessa's shoulder and lets out a noise that stops all sound from the other small dragons.

"If you don't all shut up right now our large cousins will take turns killing us. For the first time ever they have actually requested our help. So it will be best if you all just shut up until Princess Jessa of the gold dragons can talk to you."

To the amazement of all the dragons the little dragons find places to set down and silently turn to Jessa and await to hear what she has to say.

When they hear that she has a spell that will allow them to be silent unless spoken to by the one they are to report to or responding to questions other than the enemy, they all elect to have it placed on them. They are desperate to fight against the chromatic kin. They were nearly exterminated in the last war and have no illusions about what will happen to them if they lose this war. Besides they are excited that they are being asked to help out. To help in ways that are very important for the survival of them all.

It takes some time for Jessa, Alaric and Dhiren to do the spell on each of the tiny dragons.

By the time they are done they are all exhausted and make camp nearby.

It isn't until then that Jessa and Ellen talk seriously about what is to come.

Jessa is rather surprised by how much Ellen already knows about their plans until Alaric talks. "I've been talking to Ellen for some time, doing our best to coordinate our efforts in the best way possible. She'll be joining your caravan tomorrow as we continue onwards to Lexin."

Jessa looks to her grandfather and raises her eyebrow. "We?"

Alaric blushes lightly, "Yeah, I don't want to miss you dealing with those brats. Just like Angelo. I can't wait to see what happens to them."

"I would like to see that as well. Would you mind terribly if I came along?"

"Not really, but you'd have to come as a guard for my caravan. I don't think I would be able to include any of your people that way. We already have a suspicious amount of guards for a caravan this size."

Ellen smiles nastily. "That's alright, those idiots have no clue about how humans run things. They won't notice if I have my guards there. All they'll see are inferior humans trying to enter Lexin. I would very much like to see you set them on their asses. I hear you do that quite well. I rather like how you did it to my fellow queens."

Jessa allows a small smirk to appear for a short amount of time at Ellen's words. She rather likes the smart ass silver queen. She rather hopes that she'll have the time to become friends with her after the war.

"Very well, we'll be leaving at first light. You and those that you'll be bringing with you will need to be here by that time. I would prefer even earlier so I can see them spar and get an idea of how much we'll be able to depend on them in the upcoming fight."

Ellen bristles a bit at Jessa's words but then sees all the other guards nodding. Some even with looks of eagerly awaiting the upcoming sparring.

"Very well, that sounds fair enough, but I've also heard about your abilities, Jessa. Yours and Prince Dhiren's. I would like to see the two of you spar in the morning as well."

There are groans as Jessa smiles brightly. "Oh, you can bet on that. I'm going to have all the guards sparring. Perhaps your dragons will be able to show them how it's done."

Some of the dragons are unable to hold back snickers from coming out.

Ellen looks at the dragons in confusion. "Is that supposed to be funny?"

"No, my guards have issues at the level I hold them to."

"Oh, okay then. I'll leave you now and I'll be back with my guards in the morning by first light."

Alaric looks at Jessa sourly, "Better make that sooner. Jessa has this unholy liking of leaving by the time the sun begins to lighten the sky."

Ellen pulls back her head in surprise. "Really?"

She looks around and the dragon guards give her sad nods of agreement before looking down.

Ellen then smirks. "Very well, I'll be here before first light tomorrow." Then she takes off.

Jessa looks at the disappearing queen and absently mutters, "I rather like her." Then she turns her attention to getting dinner going. They are all willing to help her since they are starving.

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