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As usual, Jessa is up and ready to go first thing in the morning. She is talking to her father as they are impatiently waiting for the others to join them.

Soon Dhiren and then their elven guards show up. She is more impressed than ever that they hadn't had to be called and beat even the merchants and dragon guards. She smirks to herself at the rivalry between the dragon and elven guards. She loves that they are helping each other become better by trying to out do each other. None of them want Jessa to make them work harder than they are so they are doing it on their own.

Jessa is pleased by how well the groups are improving. Sorsha has been pushing them all and it is showing very nicely in their improvements. She has high hopes that they will be in form in time for the fight. At least she hopes so.

The inn keeper shortly has food ready for his departing guests. He too had heard about the upcoming war and doesn't think that he'll have such custom again until after the conflict. He's just glad that with this group he has made a good deal of money.

Before long they are ready to head out.

Jessa hadn't forgotten about needing to talk to Ricardo. Once they are on the road and she's ranging ahead she singles him out.

Ricardo swallows heavily when he feels Jessa's knife at his throat. Seeing the other guards take up a perimeter makes him even more nervous. "Now, Ricardo, I believe you need to tell me once more about the fight you had the other night. This time don't leave anything out. I really don't have time to deal with you. By you doing this it puts us all in danger. If that is what you are trying to do then I'll just declare you a traitor here and now and execute you. What do you wish?" Jessa asks brightly to the nervous guard.

"I don't know what you mean Princess-" Ricardo ends with a squeak as the knife digs into his throat even more.

"I know that you've been told more than once that I don't like to be called princess. Yet, you have continued to do so. I'm already not happy with you Ricardo. I told you when I allowed you on my guard that I wouldn't put up with any of your shit. You have this one chance and only this chance to convince me that I wasn't wrong to give you this spot. Speak."

Ricardo wants to hide the tears her words bring him, but they come out any way. Jessa sees them but ignores them and just waits impatiently. Finally Ricardo speaks.

"It happened mostly like I said. Well, just like I told you already. But there was someone that came to help me. I don't know who it was, I was more or less unconscious by then only able to see slightly and then it was really dark. Someone came and gave me something to drink. I thought it was something that would kill me instead I started getting stronger.  It sounded like a female but the voice that was muttering over my wounds was low, hard to distinguish and I was still fairly out of it. But, I do know that she or possibly he was upset. Said that they were getting sloppy and deserved to die. That's all. Oh, they did say that they won't send any more after you. At least I think that's what was said. About that time I passed out."

Jessa lowers her knife as she thinks about the words Ricardo told her. She turns to Dhiren, "Tell me if I'm wrong, but isn't the assassin god a female?"

Dhiren snorts, "You would know better than I if it was. I really haven't dealt with many humans and those that I have mostly followed Jethro."

Jessa nods thoughtfully and decides to ask the one that would most definitely know. 

Shortly Jethro shows up. "Jessa, to what do I have the pleasure of this calling?"

"This idiot told me that someone came in and helped him. Gave him enough healing that he didn't die. He says that he thinks it was a female and she was upset at how sloppy the two were that fought against him. Tell me, Jethro, is the deity for the assassins a female by chance?"

Jethro looks shocked at her words. "Well now that is interesting if it's true. Yes, Shandira is the goddess of the assassins. She rarely manifests to her people let alone those that kill her people. I wondered why she didn't bother to try to stop us dealing with her children." Jethro gets lost in thought when a female decides to appear next to him.

Jessa has a knife to her throat before words can even be said.

The female holds very still. "I have been warned about you, Jessa Silverblade, but until recently I had discounted their words. Then after you took down my chapter house here I was sufficiently impressed to believe that their words were in fact true. I would like it if you would take that knife away from me please."

"Shandira, Jessa, Shandira I told you to not do that and you ignored my warnings. Jessa has threatened the gods that she likes about doing what you just did." Jethro says mildly as he presents the two to each other. "Dhiren please have the guards put their weapons down. I really don't want to have any trouble here."

Dhiren just raises his eyebrow, "You might not, but they won't put down arms until Jessa gives the go ahead. I don't see that happening any time soon. Jessa has to be convinced that the assassin goddess isn't going to be a problem to us."

"I have come to tell you that although you have killed more than twenty of my children I won't be coming after you any further. The payment that we received to kill you wasn't any where near what it has cost me. Besides, I think my services would be better spent in taking out the common enemy of the elves and humans."

Jethro snorts as do some of the guards. Some that Shandira hadn't known were behind her. She stiffens even further.

The ancient one decides to make an appearance at that time. "Just the elves and humans? Really Shandira, you don't pay attention like you should. You think that my champion would be unable to kill you even now."

Just then another god makes an appearance. "Sister you just fucked up beyond belief. Jessa is strong enough and good enough to kill even us gods."

Jessa finally takes her eyes off of the goddess but holds the knife steady on the throat and even adds enough pressure that a drop of blood seeps out of skin. "You just won't leave off will you Kaiston?"

"You still have several cities to go. Time is getting limited, please Jessa no more tarrying."

Jessa narrows her eyes, "If you bother me once more about this Kaiston I'll be dealing with you once more as well as your people. They might no longer have a god if that happens, do you understand?" Jessa demands.

Kaiston looks at the angry dragon before him and wisely nods before leaving. The ancient one looks on in approval. 

Jessa turns her back to every one else and goes back to the goddess before her. "Speak and it better be good."

Shandira swallows hard and starts speaking. By the time she's finished Jessa has lowered her knife. Some of the guards have turned their back on the goddess and some by Jessa's command start ranging ahead. The others look outwards as their princess deals with the goddess.

By the end Jessa nods and places her weapon back in its sheath. After a bit more conversation Jessa lets the goddess return to wherever she wanted to go. After which Jessa and those with her start ranging ahead of the caravan. It had nearly caught up to them and Jessa is less than pleased that she was detained that long. Things are far too dangerous right now.

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