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The group slowly makes it's way to the next city. Shockingly, and to Jessa most boringly they don't encounter any bandits or dragon kin to take her irritation out on. It seems that the assassin goddess also kept her word and isn't sending out any more playmates to die at Jessa's hands.

Without the distractions, Jessa finds time pressing on her uncomfortably and she ends up taking it out on those around her. Most of them stay as far away from her as they can and those that can't take the looks of commiseration from the others with a grain of salt.

Those closest to Jessa ignore the looks. Some like Dhiren don't dare put any attention on them. The others, her guards and her father just do their best to be invisible and soundless while scouting and fight better than they ever have before when sparring.

Kallen finds himself praying to Zira for a nice little fight to take Jessa's irritation away.

Zira comes that night, "I think, Kallen, that that is the most unique prayer I've ever had from one of my people."

"Is there any way of granting it, Lady Zira?" Zira raises her eyebrow at the pleading almost begging tones of her general.

"Now it can't be that bad, Kallen. You've raised her since she was a newborn. You certainly can handle her now that she's a little irritable."

"Jessa was never irritable when I was raising her. Well my wife and I were raising her. That Jessa I can understand and deal with rather easily. She's changed and I rather think it's because of her dragon heritage. That," Kallen is rather lost and it shows in his face and his tone, "that I don't know how to deal with. She's the same person I learned to love so long ago, but at the same time she's someone so different I don't know how to relate any longer."

"I see," Zira says solemnly. Neither she nor the others had quite anticipated that. Well, she hadn't any way. No doubt the Ancient One has. Zira smirks.

"I have no words for you, Kallen, but I might have an answer. Be at peace and try to stay on her good side. If there is still one." Zira tells her devoted follower. Then she leaves to consult with the Ancient One.

Kallen sighs morosely still looking at where his goddess had been standing. Then he looks down. Sighing once more he gets up.

Jessa finds the messenger from the king waiting for them at the entrance to that city. She watches impassively as he bows before introducing himself to the strangers. Jessa can tell that he's more than a little nervous to be around her and the other elven guards that take up positions around her and Dhiren.

"My king welcomes you to our humble city and would invite you and your guards to take your visit at the castle. After you settle your merchants and animals of course." The messenger hides the wince he wants to give at the look Jessa turns on him.

Jessa hides the smirk that wants to come out as she looks at the nervous man before her.

She looks to Dhiren and let's him decide what to tell the uneasy male before her.

"We thank you and your king for the lovely invitation you have given us. If you would accompany us to a good inn where we can settle the merchants and their guard we would love to accept the kind invitation of your king."

Jessa does her best to not roll her eyes at Dhiren's words. She's not sure how well she did when she hears a muffled scoff where Kallen was standing.

The messenger smiles and stands straighter as he leads the royal guests to a lovely inn. The inn keeper comes rushing out as do several ostlers. In short order Josnick works with his partner in getting their things together. With Jessa's okay they plan on starting to market their items in the early morning. Jessa figures that they will be there for at least two days. Depending on how they find things at the castle perhaps longer, but not much. 

Even without Kaiston pushing her, she feels the pressure to get to Lexin. But with out the alliances she has to make on the way there it will do little good to get to Lexin in time. She needs to have the humans preparing for war. The thought of them not being ready and the whole sale slaughter that would unfold makes her sick.

In less than an hour she and Dhiren find themselves at the castle and the king comes out to greet them.

"Prince Dhiren, Princess Silverblade, please come inside. I have rooms set up for you and hot baths being prepared as we speak. Once that is done, please come to my study and we will talk about the messages my fellow kings have sent me."

"That is very gracious of you King Seth. We will certainly welcome cleaning the dirt off ourselves." Dhiren says softly smiling.

Jessa does her best to smile as well but is afraid it comes across more as a grimace than any thing else.

"Are you not feeling well Princess?" The king asks solicitously with a slight worried frown on  his face.

"Forgive me, King Seth, but I'm just a bit irritable since we didn't come into any fights on the way here. It won't be long now before the war begins and I fully expected to have to fight more enemies before coming here. The lack of activity makes me nervous and irritable. Means they are gearing up for some thing big and we aren't ready for it. Not yet at least." Jessa says distractedly. "This is the cleanest I've been entering a new city since I started taking up guarding duties with the exception of after the big fight at the draw when I dealt with the large group of bandits."

The king smiles thinking that she is joking. "Surely that battle was exaggerated. There couldn't have been that many bandits there."

The elves suck in breaths of air and all of them look to Jessa in horror. She has been too irritable to deal with someone that doubts her now.

Jessa's face goes blank and the guard steps back almost as one. Seth looks from them to Jessa and Dhiren.

"Did I say something wrong?" Seth says still more than a little clueless.

"If anything, the rumors I've heard about the fight don't give it justice. Jessa wasn't the only survivor, but it was because of her that three humans managed to survive, barely.

"One of the guards," Dhiren motions to Jasper, "lost his brother and was the sole survivor of the attack against the caravan before Jessa's. He can give you some idea about how bad things were from that point of view.

"Jessa damn near died, not once but twice from the same wound she received killing the blue dragon king. Her friend died protecting her in that fight. Five elves lost their lives knowing that they wouldn't likely return home after seeing how many enemies they were facing. They were willing to fight in order to save Jessa.

"She killed over one hundred of the enemy on her own." Dhiren can't hide the pride he has in her.

The king just stands there stunned at Dhiren's words.

Kallen's cough into his hand brings him back to the present and he motions for some servants to show them to their rooms.

As they leave the room he watches her go and just shakes her head as they leave.

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