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Jessa is guided to the table, but before she could be seated she faces the so called messenger. "Before anything else is said, who the hell are you and don't lie to me or my husband again or we will leave the day after tomorrow and you will be left on your own when the fighting starts."

Dhiren hides his reaction at Jessa's words. He isn't entirely unprepared about her knowing more about their visitor than he does. He was hoping that Sorsha would be able to find out or Kristoff being able to get her the information they need. What the messenger had told him was the absolute truth he has no doubt or he would have known it, but there was more that he hadn't been told and he didn't know how to learn the truth. Seems that Jessa is going for the direct attack. She usually does.

"I think this discussion would be better conducted in private, love, don't you?" Dhiren does his best to calm Jessa down, but his words are only partially able to do so.

The inn keeper is more than happy to rent the private salon to his royal visitors. Before they could move into the other room three people come in. Two are a surprise and the third isn't.

"Jasper, I figured you would be the first one back. Have the others been told to come in?" Jessa says hiding her smile. She hadn't told her guards to come in. She thought they would need to figure things out on their own.

"Yeah, I saw you coming in and so mentioned it to the next guard and he told the next, so on. The others should be here shortly." Jasper looks at the visitors with Jessa and Dhiren. He gives nods to the copper dragons then turns his attention to the other human and shakes his head. 

"Go get a bath. They should be about ready for all of you. Then talk to Sorsha, I gave her an errand to run and I want you as her escort. Make sure that Mistress Silvermoon and my partner are ready to leave by the day after tomorrow."

"Of course, Jessa."

"You are informal, I see." The messenger murmurs.

Jessa gives him a look and he shuts up.

"Jacey, Angelo, welcome. What can we do for you two this lovely day?" This time the two snicker a little more openly than before.

"We didn't realize that you would have company. What we have to say can wait." Angelo tells her relaxing in front of the fire trying to warm up and dry off a bit.

"Do you know this man, Angelo?" Dhiren demands smiling.

"I would think so, he doesn't get out and about much with out his leash holders, but all those that live here know our king."

The man bristles a bit at Angelo's words, but relaxes when he admits to himself that they are true.

"I think they will be joining us in the other room. It is late enough that we should also order some food while we talk." Jessa says thoughtfully hiding the smile she has at the dragons outing the king that was trying to be incognito.

The man slumps at her words. Just then the innkeeper comes back after preparing the room for them.

They order food and drinks before warding the room.

Once they all take seats they focus on the so called messenger.

"The old ones words are true, I am in fact the king of this city. My councilors are the power here, though, and they are the reason that I have been unable to host you at the castle as you should be."

"That's because your councilors are chromatic dragons and have no wish for you to find out about the war that is about to descend on this world once more." Jessa drops another explosive statement.

The king starts laughing at that. "Everyone knows that there are no more dragons. They were all killed during the last great war."

Jessa looks to the copper dragons, "Is this a wide held belief with all humans?"

"The metallic dragons are thought completely to be killed. The chromatics are thought to be in their homes licking their wounds if humans think about them at all."

The king is no longer laughing. "You mean not all the dragons were killed?" He looks a bit shocked and even more sick.

"No, not all dragons were killed in the last war. The good dragons were harder hit than the evil ones, but they weren't all killed off. The evil ones have somehow managed to learn the difficult spells to shape change and have created dragon kin as well as full blooded dragons. They have been creating an army of dragon kin since the last war."

"That's impossible. There is no way the dragons would be able to do something like that." The king refuses to believe.

This pisses Jessa off to no end.  She lifts up the top she is wearing so that the wound she nearly died from twice is evident. "Is this fake? Is it, King? I received this wound three years ago when I went up against over two hundred bandits, most of which were blue dragon kin with a full blown blue dragon thrown in. The king of the blue dragons at that. I had the assistance of two dozen humans and five elves. At the end of that fight three humans lived and myself. That damn blue dragon damn near killed me and I almost died a second time from infection from this wound. A good friend of mine died that day. Don't you fucking dare tell me that there are no more dragons." Jessa is furious and Dhiren encloses her in his arms to help her calm down.

"There are indeed chromatic dragons, and dragon kin in this world and they are preparing for war. If you refuse to understand and accept this then there is nothing for us to do here." Dhiren says over his shoulder coldly to the human king.

The king shakes his head, he just can't accept that there are dragons still in this world.

Before much else can be said Jasper knocks on the door before opening it.

"Jessa. It's true, the councilors are all full blooded dragons. Black, red, green and white. They are heading this way. I think they found out where the king is and aren't happy about it."

Jessa gets a nasty look on her face. "Well, king, if I take out your councilor and can prove that they are indeed dragons what would you do to me?"

"If you can prove that they are indeed dragon or dragon kin then nothing. But how are you going to do that?"

"Well, first off we should go outside and prepare for the pests."

Jessa has Jasper go to all the dragons and make sure that they stay behind her when she does her spell that will reveal the dragons in a half form.

Then she talks to Jethro and has him get the help of the Ancient One to help her with that spell. 

"Stay out of it unless it looks like I'm losing," Jessa tells Dhiren. Her guard comes back just in time to watch the new showdown. They decide to forgo their bath to watch the fight.

The councilors come into the courtyard of the inn and find their king and others waiting for them. Jessa had found out that the neighboring property was empty so if they ruined the buildings it wouldn't matter. 

The inn keeper was interested in buying that land to expand his own inn and wouldn't mind if the buildings were destroyed beforehand. It will save him the expense of doing it himself.

Adventures of Jessa: the Adventures ContinueHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin