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"Baby...wake up" Jennie groaned slightly as she felt Lisa place kisses over her face.  It was currently nine o'clock in the morning and Lisa was about to leave, but she wanted to inform Jennie first. Just as Lisa was about to kiss Jennie's lips, the tired Korean turned her head, allowing Lisa to kiss her cheek instead.  

"Morning breath", Jennie shook her head lightly and Lisa frowned.  

"I just want a kiss", Lisa said, Jennie sitting up in the process.  

"You kissed me on the cheek, that counts as a kiss", Jennie chuckled.  

"On the lips, I mean", Lisa pouted, giving Jennie a 'sad puppy face'. "Just one kiss...please?".  Jennie rolled her eyes and leaned in to peck Lisa's lips, obliviously falling into Lisa's trap as the sneaky brunette quickly wrapped her arms around Jennie's waist, hoisting her up and onto her lap. Lisa caressed Jennie's cheek while her other hand rested right above her butt.  

"Bastard", Jennie mumbled into the kiss before Lisa let go. "I hate you".  

"Nah, you love me", Lisa smirked, squeezing Jennie's waist.  

Jennie laughed, leaning forward to place her head in the crook of Lisa's neck, "You're right. I think I love you too much".  

Lisa sighed happily, "Good... I love you so damn much, Jennie".  

"And I love you too", Jennie beamed, giving Lisa another peck on the lips.  Lisa's eyes mindlessly traveled south, eyeing Jennie's body. She wore Lisa's jumper which reached down to her mid thigh, exposing the rest of her smooth tan legs.  

"You look hot in that", Lisa rasped, biting her lip as Jennie gave her a confused look until she finally caught on. 

"I literally just woke up and I look like shit", Jennie said, squinting her eyes at Lisa.  

"That's not true", Lisa protested. "You look beautiful anytime of the day".  

Jennie blushed, "How do I even look hot in a jumper, though?"  

"Because...you'd look hot in anything. Especially in nothing", Lisa's hands found their way under the jumper that was on Jennie's body, setting fire to the smaller girl's skin as Lisa guided her hands up her girlfriend's torso. Lisa flicked her thumb over Jennie's nipple, making her gasp and jerk up slightly. 

 "L-lili, d-don't you have a-a meeting?", Jennie shuddered, gripping Lisa's biceps.  

"I do....", Lisa dragged out as she traced patterns along Jennie's skin. "You want me to leave already?".  

"No!", Jennie's shook her head frantically. Then noticed how Lisa cocked her head to the side at how loud she had answered. "I mean....no. But, you still have to go or else you'll be late", Jennie spoke more calmly.  

"I guess you're right", Lisa took her hands from underneath Jennie's shirt and ruffled her hair, getting up from the bed. Jennie frowned slightly.  

"What time are you coming back?", Jennie asked.  

"I don't know.... maybe seven-ish?", Lisa said as she bent down to meet Jennie's tender lips again, kissing them lightly. "I'll be back, okay?".  Jennie nodded with a smile on her lips as she watched Lisa wink at her one last time before she went out of the door. 

Meanwhile, as Lisa entered the hotel hallway, she noticed a familiar face watching in her direction. It was the girl from the front lobby, holding a clipboard as she lightly smiled at Lisa. Lisa smiled back politely, not wanting to be rude, although she was still a little mad about what she had did to Jennie yesterday.  

"Hey", The girl stopped in front of Lisa, holding her hand out, wanting Lisa to shake it. Lisa hesitantly shook her hand. "I just wanted to apologize for the other day...I shouldn't have done that. I didn't think that you two were...um...dating. I'm not usually like that, ya' know- like a slut or whatever".  

Lisa slowly nodded, "It's okay. Apology accepted, but I think you should apologize to my girlfriend. She was really pissed".  

"I will", The girl cleared her throat. "I'm Sana by the way".  

"I'm Lisa", The brunette grinned. "It was nice talking to you, But I have something really important to do".  

"Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to waste your time, but before you go...do you maybe want to hang out? Only as friends of course.".  

"Uh...sure", Lisa pulled out her phone and handed it to Sana. "Put your number in". 

 After Sana put her number into the phone she handed it back to Lisa. Lisa chuckled once she noticed Sana put her name in as 'Sana😝'.  

"I'll see you around?", Lisa said as she started to slowly walk towards the exit, turning around to walk backwards so she could face Sana. 

 "Yeah... most definitely"  And by the time Sana turned the corner, Lisa knew she made a mistake.  

------  Jennie's pov  

The sun was just about to set just as Lisa had finally stepped foot into her hotel room, noticing that the room was quiet and empty. She heard the bath water running so she instantly realized that Jennie must have been getting ready to take a bath. Lisa brushed her hands through her hair and started to make her way towards the bathroom where she saw her girlfriend obliviously checking the bath water temperature.  

"Baby...", Lisa finally said, making Jennie whip around with widen eyes.  

"Lili? Oh my god, you scared me to death", Jennie straightened her posture and placed her hand on her hips while Lisa walked over to her. "How'd today go?".  

Lisa shrugged as she wrapped her arms around Jennie's waist, resting her chin on Jennie's shoulders. "Good". 

Jennie nodded, "That's great. While you were gone I ordered chocolate covered strawberries and I saved you a few on the table.".  Lisa hummed in response, as Jennie continued to tell her about what she did today, but she grew worried when she thought about if she should tell Jennie about Sana. Lisa didn't know how Jennie would react.  

"Remember that girl from the front desk when we first checked into the hotel", Lisa asked hesitantly.  

Jennie shook her head, "Who?".  

"T-the one you were mad at because she...was flirting with me", Lisa muttered.  

"Yeah why?", Jennie furred her eyebrows.  

"She talked to me in the hallway...", Lisa started to say, but stopped in hesitation.  

"What did she say?", Jennie urged Lisa to say more.  

Lisa nibbled on her lip, "She asked if we can hang out, but only as friends."  Jennie sighed throughout her nose, making Lisa's heart beat even faster than it already was. She didn't want to screw up again.  

"I trust you", Jennie slightly whispered, loud enough for Lisa to hear her. "But, I don't trust her. What if she tries to make a move on you or-".  

Lisa kissed Jennie's lips, squeezing her hips a few times. Lisa pulled back after a few seconds and tucked a strand of hair behind Jennie's ear.  "I won't let that happen, nini", Lisa assured her. "I promise, okay?". 

Jennie let her head fall forwards into the crook of Lisa's neck, nodding her head. Lisa smirked, sliding her hands downwards to smack Jennie's butt.  "Hey!" 

Lisa shrugged, "It's not my fault you have a nice ass".  

"You talk about my butt a lot, but you have a nice one too!", Jennie poked Lisa's sides.  

Lisa gasped playfully, "Have you been staring at my butt, Kim?".  

Jennie rolled her eyes, "God, you're such an ass".  

Lisa scoffed, "Duh, that's why you love me".  

"Yeah", Jennie smiled. "Maybe, you're right, Manoban"

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