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"Kai?", Jennie gasped. "It's been forever since I've seen you".

Kai's eyes widen as he looked at Lisa, "O-oh, yeah. How have you been doing?".

"Pretty good for the most part.", Jennie smiled as she began placing her items on the counter while Kai scanned them. "Remember Lisa?".

"Yeah", Kai gave Lisa a light smile. "Hey, Lisa". Lisa clenched her jaw, trying to fight the words that wanted to come out of her mouth. Instead, she just sent him a nod just before Jennie had finished placing the items.

"26.99 dollars", Kai cleared his throat. Lisa and Jennie both took out their wallet at the same time, making Lisa roll her eyes.

"Baby, I'm paying", Lisa handed Kai a fifty dollar bill.

Jennie frowned, "I wanted to pay, though".

"Too late", Lisa muttered. "Just keep the change". Lisa grabbed the bags and started to head out of the store, leaving Jennie to follow her. Jennie unlocked her car so that Lisa could place the bags in the back seat before getting into the passenger seat. After they both settled in, Jennie drove off.

"What was that about?", Jennie nibbled on her lip. Lisa shrugged as she looked outside of the window,

"Whatever...". Jennie sighed, looking at Lisa momentarily then back at the road.

"You still don't like him...", Jennie chuckled lowly. "What is your problem with him anyway?". Lisa still didn't answer, closing her eyes and listened to the beeping horns of New York instead.

"Lisa, we're not teenagers anymore. We're adults now and you need to grow the hell up and start acting like one", Jennie said, slightly annoyed at Lisa's attitude.

"He just...gives off this weird vibe", Lisa said. "He was practically all over you five years ago and he was giving you those eyes back at the store.".

"No he wasn't", Jennie furred her eyes brows.

"Jesus, Jennie, are you blind?", Lisa rolled her eyes. "He likes you. I mean, look at you! People will do anything to get with you and I can't blame them".

"So what if he likes me? You know that I don't like him in that way", Jennie argued.

"I still don't like him looking at you that way. I don't trust him", Lisa said.

"He's a good guy and he's my friend", Jennie stopped at a red light, turning all of her attention to Lisa. "He helped me go through a lot of things".

"Like what?", Lisa scoffed. "What could he have possibly done if you could have just asked me in the first place?".

"When you weren't there for me", Jennie said angrily. "When you were stuck raising a child with your ex. He was there for me while I was stupidly crying my eyes out over you". Lisa's eyes softened as she looked at Jennie.

She reached for Jennie's hand but the Korean quickly pulled it away. "Je-"

"Don't", Jennie said sternly as the light turned green.

Jennie started to drive again as Lisa bit her lip nervously. Jennie arrived at her apartment in no time, due to her speeding. Lisa wanted to tell her to slow down, but she was scared of what she would do in her angry state.

The two of them got out of the car and Lisa grabbed the bags from the back seat while Jennie walked inside of the apartment building. Lisa eventually caught up with Jennie just as she was opening her door. Lisa walked, closing the door back, then she placed the bags on the kitchen counter. Jennie had already taken off her shoes and immediately walked into her room. Lisa sighed heavily, wondering if she should follow her and apologize or should she give her some space.

After about ten minutes of waiting and thinking to herself, Lisa quietly walked into Jennie's room to see her laying down in a fetal position. Her eyes were squeezed shut and she was groaning lowly.

"Are you okay?", Lisa's eyes widen as she rushed over to Jennie.

"Cramps", Jennie mumbled, opening her eyes to see the worried expression on Lisa's face. Lisa nodded as she got up and left the room, remember where Jennie kept all of her rags. She found a clean body rag and ran warm water over it, draining most of it out. She walked back into Jennie's room and sat down next to her.

"Roll up your shirt", Lisa instructed. Jennie rolled up her shirt so Lisa could place the warm rag right at the hem of her pants.

"Better?", Lisa asked and Jennie nodded, muttering a small 'thank you'. Lisa cleared her throat awkwardly, running her hands through her hair. She wanted to apologize, but she could barely get the words out of her mouth.

"N-Nini..", Lisa started. "I-I'm sorry". Jennie hummed in response, looking up at the ceiling. "You were right. I am an adult and I should act like it. I just...I just didn't know how to react after seeing Kai again. Especially after I finally have you back, I got jealous-"

"You shouldn't be jealous, Lisa", Jennie said. "I'm yours and you know that".

Lisa nodded, "I overreacted...".

"I'm sorry too", Jennie whispered. "I shouldn't have said what I said".

"You were right though", Lisa frowned. "I should have been there for you".

"But we have to put that past us and move on", Jennie explained, tracing patterns on Lisa's palm. "I brought it up again". Lisa puffed out and brought Jennie's hand up to her mouth, kissing her hand.

"Do you forgive me?", Lisa murmured, laying down next to Jennie.

"Of course", Jennie grinned. Lisa kissed Jennie's lips, caressing her cheek. Jennie pulled away slightly and pulled a strand of hair behind Lisa's ear.

"I knew you were on your period", Lisa said with a smug on her lips, making Jennie scoff.

"Shut up."

Send Nudes Pt. 2 ; jenlisa ff G!P {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now