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Jennie looked at herself in the mirror and straightened up her black dress, making sure that there were no wrinkles. She slowly turned her head from side to side, carefully inspecting her hair that was slightly curled. She decided to keep her makeup to a minimum, only wearing a nude lipstick and highlighting her eyes with black eyeliner and a little bit of eye shadow, which matched her dress.

Her black dress, which Jisoo gave her as another birthday day present from a few days ago. It hugged all of her curves and pushed her breast up, making it seem bigger than it was.

"Jen, if I wait another minute for you, I'm gonna leave your ass here", Jisoo shouted from outside of her bedroom.

"I'm coming", Jennie gave herself one last look before she opened her bedroom door, confronting Jisoo who stood leaning against the wall, gasping at Jennie's appearance.

"Damn", Jisoo dragged out, winking at Jennie. "You look hot". Jennie blushed and lightly pushed the girl as she walked into the living room. Rosie and Irene stood in front of the door, waiting for Jennie.

Rosé rolled her eyes, "Finally! Now can we go? I'm planning on getting drunk tonight". Jennie wasn't too keen on getting drunk, but she was willing to try anything just to keep her mind off of Lisa.

---- Lisa's pov

"Do you like it in new York so far?", Minnie sat on the edge of Lisa's bed.

Lisa shrugged, "It's okay...I guess. I miss Seoul and my family a lot".

"Me too", Minnie said as Lisa sat up next to her, staring into her eyes. Lisa placed her hand on Minnie's, tracing along her palm. This was the first time Lisa had actually looked at Minnie in a different way. She gulped, as Minnie began to lean in, their noses nearly touching.

"Lisa", Minnie whispered, her breath tickling Lisa's lips. Minnie slowly connected their lips together, moving in perfect yet very hesitant sync. Lisa grabbed Minnie's waist and pulled her closer as their kiss got more heated.

A low moan escaped Minnie's lips, her hands now resting in Lisa's black hair, tugging it so she could explore each inch of her mouth. Lisa lifted Minnie up and placed her on her lap, making the kiss even more heated. Minnie's hips started grinding on Lisa, causing Lisa to let out a muffled groan. The two took a small, breathless break.

"Shit...I'm sorry-", Minnie began to get off of Lisa, but was held back down.

"No...It's okay, Min."


I was not gonna write that smut🤣 but just know they did it


It was at least 12 at night when Lisa woke up again from the loud ringing coming from her phone. Lisa groaned and swore under her breath, answering the phone without reading the caller id. "Who the fuck is calling at this late at night?"

"Babe?", Somi dragged out, a slight slur was found in her voice.

"Oh god, what do you want?", Lisa half whispered and half yelled, trying not to wake Minnie up who was sleep next to her. "Are you seriously drunk right now?"

"I've b-been calling you for the past hour, lissssss", Somi laughed, obviously drunk. "I need help... my friends left me and t-this man keeps touching me."

Lisa face palmed herself, "If this is one of you plans to make me screw up again, I swear I'll fucking put you six feet under".

Somi gasped playfully, "Babyyyy, that's no way to speak to your girlfriend like that! You seserve a punishment when-".

"Where are you at, Somi?", Lisa grunted.

"I'm at the- wait...I don't know I'll go ask someone", Somi slurred. "Bye lis".

"Somi-" The sound of the phone call ending interrupted Lisa and she sighed deeply. She absolutely did not like Somi for the shit she did in the past, but she could never bring herself to hate her. Yes, Lisa probably could have been with Jennie still if it wasn't for Somi, but it wouldn't hurt just to help her.

----- Jennie's pov

It's been an hour since the girls left the house and Jennie was already half drunk off of about five shot glasses. She had no idea where Irene, Jisoo, or Rosé was at, but at this point she could only care about the music that she was dancing to. The song Na Na by Trey Songz came on and she began moving her hips to the beat until she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

"Hiiiii" Jennie turned around and she met a girl who was dressed in a red dress and black pumps. Her hair was blonde and she had brown eyes.

"Oh, Hi", Jennie slightly yelled over the club music.

"I'm Somiiii", Somi waved, losing her balance, but Jennie helped her stand up.

Jennie couldn't help but notice that she looked familiar, but she shook it off. "I'm Jennie."

Somi furred her eye brows together then laughed loudly, "Kim Jennie? Oh holy shiiiiit".

"W-What do you mean?", Jennie asked.

"Wow! I was expecting Lisa to do better then this", Somi smirked and Jennie backed away finally realizing who this was: the girl Lisa cheated on her with.

"No, no,no", Jennie groaned. "You can't be...".

"I can't believe this is the girl Lisa supposedly loved ", Somi spat, catching unwanted attention. "You had her whipped around your little finger huh?".

Jennie didn't know if it was the alcohol talking but she became furious and pushed Somi, "You...You fucking took her away from me".

"She was never yours", Somi's face turned pure red in anger.

"You don't know shit. You ruined everything for me!", Jennie balled up her fist, trying to control her anger, but it was bad enough that she was nearly drunk. "Then you, being the slut that you are-"

"Can you just shut your damn mouth for one second?", Somi pointed her finger at Jennie. "I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but Lisa was playing you from the beginning. You were just a distraction. That night five years ago...we went to a party and we got drunk. God, it was the best sex ever. The way she moaned my name-". Jennie lost it at that point and grabbed a fistful of Somi's hair, dragging her down to the floor which earned a roar from the crowd.

"You bitch!", Jennie cried out as she continued punching Somi's face until her eye was black. Somi tried to get up, but Jennie held her down, letting all of her anger out. Jennie had tried her hardest to avoid the thought of Lisa, but it was no denying that she was in love with her and she had never stopped.

After a few more seconds, Jennie was pulled away from Somi. Jennie quickly got up, seeing Jisoo quickly making her way through the crowd.

"Are you okay?", Someone tapped Jennie's shoulder.

"Um- Lisa?"

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