Chapter Fifty-Seven, Cupid's Shelled Friend

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"Come on Blue Angel, let's get you back to bed." Tord said in a soft voice as to not hurt my head more. He helped me into the car and closed the door for me. I tiredly blinked and groaned, holding my throbbing head. Tord got in beside me and told the driver to keep the car ride slow at cruise speed. The drive was fairly calm, and Tord allowed silence without interruption. I need rest and a ton of ibuprofen to sooth my pain. "Ah.. Love, when was the last time you drank something?" He asked me and I looked over at him with tired eyes. "Like... Early this morning, at breakfast I guess." I responded and he sighed, pulling out a supplied water bottle from under the middle seat. It's so strange how futuristic and fancy these private cars are. He unscrewed it for me and crudely shoved the open bottle in front of my face. I sipped on the water and realized how thirsty I had been. I drank at least a third of the water bottle before handing it back to the Norski caring for me. He put it away and wrapped an arm around me, letting me sleep in his embrace. I closed my eyes and relaxed, nestling into my boyfriend's embrace. "So.. What's the surprise?" I asked curiously and purred quietly as he ran a hand through my hair. "Well, you'll see once your head ache is gone." He told me and coaxed my sleepy head into his warm neck. I happily accepted the comfortable position and breathed slowly, getting used to the idea of resting in Tord's arms. I fell asleep to the silent hums of the car.

When I finally awoke from a fulfilling slumber, I was in a fancy hotel bed with my body comfortably tucked in. I struggled to open my eyes because it felt so nice, but I knew more sleep would be pointless. I looked around and spotted the demon I had known since kindergarten, fixing a bowtie on the collar of a white dress shirt. He looked away from the mirror he had been focusing on, instead turning to my direction. "Glad to see that you're up, Thomas." He hummed and approached me, his glowing eyes staring at me. I sat up and listened to Tord's purrs as he hovered over me. "Are you ready for your surprise?" He asked and I shrugged. "Well I can't be prepared for something I don't know about, but sure." I responded with blatant honesty. He helped me out of the warm bed with silky sheets and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Well kitten, I took the liberty of finding you an outfit for the occasion. I hope you like it." He said with a hint of pride, as though he had spent hours searching for a ring or something. He picked up a box from near our suitcases and held it out to me, watching expectantly.

I opened the box and tossed the filler tissue paper aside, gazing at the neatly folded suit curiously. I pulled out the top first, enjoying how smooth and silky the fabric felt on my skin. It was a beautiful night ocean blue, with a broach separately packaged that completed its beauty. It had small details of flowers and stars all along the front in an organized pattern, almost like a sort of embroidered lace. I set the top aside along with the dark sapphire broach, moving on to examine the next part of the set. The pants were the same shade of oceanic blue, with black detailing embroidered along the sides and cuffed bottoms of the pant-legs. "Nothing to say love?" Tord asked and I looked up at him. "Oh, no no, I'm just trying to take it all in." I responded and set the pants beside the fancy top. "It's very nice Tord, I really appreciate that you took the time to find this set." I told him and ran my hands along the smooth fabric. Definitely not cheap, as I would expect from a ruler. "I also found these." He added and pulled out a rather large watch-sized box from his back pocket.

He handed it to my eager hands and I opened it up to reveal diamond-encrusted cuffs in platinum silver. "I.. Ah... Wow." I said at a loss for words and carefully picked up the bedazzled jewelry. I stared at them in awe for a few moments, but not quite shocked. I set them on the suit top and hugged him tightly, the hug received well judging by the sound of his purring. He waited for me to let go before guiding my hand to the suit again. "Well try it on love, I want to see you in all this. You'll look gorgeous, as always." He said with a pleased smile. "Alright, I'll change in the bathroom. No peaking or I shoot you." I threatened and picked out a pair of shoes and black silk socks before taking the clothing to change. I of course didn't forget to bring with my hygienic and styling care with me in a bag, which I also brought with the change.

Once I was all dressed up and looking proper, I gazed into the mirror at myself. The outfit really did compliment me, as did any blue suit. This one was special, because of a sentimental reason. My boyfriend had given it to me as a Valentine's gift, just to make me happy. I stepped out of the bathroom and resisted the urge to laugh at his dumbstruck expression. He was so cute like this, and so stupid. He approached me purring like a motor, placing his clawed hands on my hips. "You look gorgeous my love." He purred and lightly kissed my nose as a small sign of affection. He was saving the big kissing for later, I presumed. "Ah, I almost forgot." I need to finish getting dressed myself-." He said and quickly went to pulling on the remainder of his suit. It was a quite standard suit for him, red on top of a dress shirt. He did have this beautiful black rose tucked into his handkerchief pocket, which was a nice detail. He picked out his wallet and phone before stuffing them in his fancy pockets, grabbing my hand and opening the hotel door.

"I've got a very special place for us tonight, my angel. You'll love it, I swear on my mother's grave." He said as an odd choice of words. I suppose that means he's really serious then. He lead me down out of the lobby and towards a black mini-limo, opening the door courteously as most gentlemen would. I got in and Tord did as well, holding my hand as soon as he was positioned. It seemed the driver had been given directions beforehand, as Tord didn't need to speak before he began the drive. "This is so exciting, I actually feel thrilled for once." I admitted to the Norwegian and he kissed my cheek. "Oh love, I'm so happy to hear that." He cooed lovingly and rubbed my hand. The ride seemed to take forever, because I was buzzing to get out and see this place Tord was taking me. I felt so weirdly energetic, not tired. I didn't feel depressed or sleepy, or in need of a quick shot or five. I'm genuinely happy and excited about something. Something new and something fun. Once the car ride finally ended, I practically jumped out of the car and my eyes darted around for clues of where we could be. We were in the city still, near a lake. Tord laughed at my eager attitude and walked around the car to me, linking our hands again.

"Come on love, it's just a little ways away." He hummed and I allowed him to take the lead. "God I can't wait, it must be amazing." I spewed while visibly jittering from the excitement. Tord rested his head on my shoulder and smiled. "It is love, it is." He told me and walked along the path near the lake, with a blazing sun setting that brought with hues of bright reds and vibrant oranges. After a bit of walking, he stopped at a building. I looked up and around to see people filtering out of what appeared to be a restaurant. "Ah, what's so special about this?" I asked and he tugged on my hand. "You'll see." He said mysteriously and brought me to the host's desk. "Reservation?" The lady asked and Tord brought out his wallet, placing a red card on the table. "Yes, for 7:45. Red Army member." He said and she typed away on her small computer. "Right this way sirs, pick any table you'd like, and ask anything of us." She said while keeping a tense form. She clearly knew what Red Army meant, and knew it was bad to misbehave near anyone associated with it.

Tord picked up his card and lead me behind the hostess, pulling out a chair for me at the table he had found fit. I sat down and looked around the restaurant, beginning to see why he brought me here. It was full of sea life of all kinds, and the floor was as well. There were glass tubes even over the tables where fish swam by contently. "How did you know I liked sea animals?" I asked as he sat down. He grinned and laid back in his chair, very proud of his decisions this evening. "Well Thomas, you've had a fascination with sea turtles specifically ever since you were nine, and I thought you'd love to go to a restaurant where they let you hold baby sea turtles that they care for." He told me and my face and mind lit up with immediate and overwhelming joy. "Are you shitting me right now?" I said with hands grasping the table, for otherwise I might bounce and completely embarrass myself. "No Thomas, when that lady comes back she's going to give each of us a baby turtle to hold and cuddle for the duration of our meal." He assured me and I held back a scream. I may not be passionate about most things, but turtles are different. And now I get to hold one. A baby.

He laughed at my energy and held both of my hands, rubbing them. "Can I get a "thank you"?" He asked and I cupped both of his cheeks, pulling his head forward. "Yes god damn it, I fucking love you. Thank you so much." I said passionately and kissed him rather aggressively. He returned the gesture and rubbed the hands grasping his head. I pulled away from the quick kiss, trying to calm myself from my spontaneous actions. "Haha, I take it that this is the appropriate time to say "Happy Valentine's Day"." He said and I quickly nodded. "Thank you for the best Valentine's Day I've ever had Tord, thank you from the bottom of my sea turtle loving heart." I said with my heart. If he ever proposes, he should know damn well that it has to be with a sea turtle in my hands. God I love him. I love this man.

Happy extremely close to not Valentine's Day! I have one minute to spare.

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