Chapter 4

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1754, March 4th
Elaine was on the floor, as still could be. It has been eleven months since that day. She hasn't moved since. Jack would never give up on her. He begged and begged the doctors to save her. To do something, at least. The only thing those doctors are saying is that 'she is not worth our medicine. We would rather use it on someone as capable as you, young man'. Jack was pissed off, he just wanted his sister to be okay.
Father seemed as if he couldn't care less. He always acted like this, whether Elaine hurt herself, or not, he just simply did not care. Meanwhile, Mother was an emotional wreck, worried for her daughter. Just a few months ago, Jack and their mother celebrated Elaine's eleventh birthday. Sadly, she could not celebrate, for obvious reasons. Jack spent all his day's with Elaine, hoping that one day she would open her eyes.
Mother knocked on the door, "Jack, Elaine has a visitor." Mother said in a sad but yet sweet tone. He did not reply, so she let the visitor in.
"Hello." Jack said while brushing Elaine's long hair.
"Hi, I am Akani, I am Elaine's friend. Mistress Senia is also here, she is talking business with the Master of your household." Akani introduced herself. Jack nodded, a small gesture to come and sit, so she did.
"She is okay, right?" Akani asked. Jack didn't reply, and when Akani looked into his eyes, she saw a sad, guilty, and clouded look. "Ah, excuse me, I am sorry." Akani muttered, "private business."
"I do not know." Jack said blandly.
"I do not know if she is okay. The doctors are refusing to treat her."
"What?" Akani's voice rose with anger. He nodded. "Why?"
"Because they would rather use their limited medical knowledge on people with potential, like me, or my father." Jack muttered, his voice cracking with sadness.
"She is eleven now, correct?" Akani asked. Jack nodded. "Hm, she looks alot older." Jack just nodded again. Akani took this as a sign to just shut up, and mourn with Jack. Soon, Senia walked into the room, gasping when she saw the mangled shape Elaine was in.
"Oh no! Let me help!" Senia said, rushing over to Jack and helping tidy her up. "I can change her if it is more comfortable for you?" Senia offered, Jack nodded politely and turned around. "What clothes shall I use?"
"Any from the closet, just try to choose something comfortable. Elaine is always complaining about the scratchy dresses." Jack smiled. He heard rustling of the clothes, then turned around soon after.
"Thank you, Mistress Senia."
"Oh, just call me Senia." She smiled. "Oh and I forgot to mention, Alexandria is coming over soon. She will be giving a full report to Diane. I still cannot believe Diane wanted her as her messenger." Senia muttered. "Anyways, she will probably stay and check on Elaine as well. From the rumors around the house, I hear she is quite worried about 'the girl in her hallway'." Senia laughed slightly. Jack did too, and nodded.


The door creaked open again. This time it was not Senia nor Akani who came in, but Alexandria. Alexandria sighed and frowned when she saw the once energetic and fun girl now laying motionless on the floor. She walked up to her.
"Is it okay if I get a moment to say something to her? All alone?" She asked Senia and Jack. They both nodded and dragged Akani out of the room. Alexandria sighed.
"Well," she started, "if you do not come back to the house, just know I will miss having someone in my hallway." She muttered. "I cannot believe those doctors. They wouldn't save you, they'd rather save a man. You know we cannot fight back, we would all end up dead." She laughed sarcastically, "and, please, if you do come back, I would love to hang out, and if we do, call me Alex." She smiled. "My name is Alex, just for you."
"Alex." Elaine's voice was so soft that it was barely audible. Alex gasped.
"Elaine! I will get the doctor!" Alex ran out, told Jack that Elaine spoke, then Jack went to fetch the doctors. The doctors ran back. One of them inspected her closely.
"She is gaining strength, and it seems she may wake up soon!" The doctor exclaimed, clearly surprised.
"Well, give her something to help!" Alex raised her voice. The doctors ignored her, then went ahead and checked her leg. Alex rolled her eyes, how rude.
"So, good news, her leg is fully healed, but she should not do anything crazy until she is awake." The doctor said, then got up and left. Alex leaned against the wall, then slid down, her knees near her face. She rested her arms onto her knees, and looked at Elaine.
"Oooh, has the oh so formidable, scary, and most disliked woman ever taken a liking to the new girl?" Akani teased.
"Shut up. You are not any newer than her anyways. And no, no way I have taken a liking to this girl. I want my hallway back to myself. I am only here so I have a report for Mistress Diane." Alex blabbered. Akani gave her a suspicious look, then just shrugged it off. Alex ended up falling asleep against the wall.


Alex awoke to the faint sound of muttering. In the darkness, she tried to make out where it was coming from. She stared at Elaine, realizing she was muttering something. Alex crawled over to her, straining to hear what Elaine was trying to say. The only words Alex could make out was 'Alex', her name.
"Yes, Elaine? I am here, but I cannot understand you." Alex said quietly. Elaine still hadn't had her eye's open, but she scrunched up her face as if she were in agony. Alex brushed Elaine's hair out of her eyes, then just laid down beside her, and drifted back into sleep.


As the morning light drifted it's way through the house, Elaine awoke. She barely opened her eyes, the brightness hurt. She made a small groan sound from the pain that ached in her foot, and struggled to try to sit up. That sound made Alex wake up. Elaine then gave up on sitting upwards and flopped backwards.
"You are awake!" Alex yelled, clearly surprised. Elaine flinched and looked over to her.
"You are," Elaine paused, as if she was thinking, "Alex?" She nodded and smiled. "What time is it? I feel like I barely slept for even an hour." Elaine muttered.
"You do not know, I'm guessing." Alex sighed.
"Know what?"
"You have been asleep for almost a year."
"What?" Elaine shot up, she clearly was too surprised to even feel the fire in her ankle. Alex nodded while the surprised expression on Elaine's face slowly transformed into a more calm face. She was clearly thinking about something. "What day is it?"
"March fourth." Alex replied calmly.
"So my birthday passed. I am eleven now." Elaine frowned, "awh! I missed all the cool sweets and foods that I get on my birthday!" Elaine pouted. Alex laughed and patted Elaine's head. "Huh?" Elaine said, confused. Alex tilted her head, also confused.
"You laughed so, what's the word, unladylike? Do the mistresses not discipline you for that?" Elaine asked while Alex simply shook her head, saying no.
"They never saw much potential in me. I am more of their strength at the house, since I am stronger than most of the people there. Mistress Diane likes to use me as a messenger or helper, not a student." Alex said. "Honestly, I love it. I could never imagine myself mixed up with all of you rich folk, and just getting turned into this petty housewife." Alex laughed slightly.
Elaine was silent for a few moments. She was thinking. "Honestly, I agree. The way that place thinks they can just train you to be a wife to someone you have never even spoken to before. I remember my Mother telling me that is how she met my Father, it is ridiculous! She would say 'you must not worry Elaine, you will grow to love him,'" Elaine mocked the house, and her mother.
The sound of thunder suddenly filled that small gap of silence, then the two girls burst into laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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