Chapter 35

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Five days later...

Renesmee's P.O.V.

It's been a week, and I've spent the past two days planning Jacob's birthday. I convinced my family to let me host the party at our house and got help decorating. I settled on a color scheme of green and red, as they are both his favorite colors. We purchased a birthday banner to hang in the hallway on the second floor. When he enters the hallway, what he sees will surprise him. We have tables covered in green tablecloths for placing the food. I purchased balloons to decorate the house with. I have decorations hanging from the walls to make them look more decorative. I understand you may think I'm being excessive, but I want it to be flawless.

Now that it's Wednesday, I've been freaking out, making sure everything is accurate. I invited Jacob's pack, including their imprintees, if they have any. I also invited Sam's pack and their imprintees. I asked Chloe's boyfriend and my best friend too. Since Isaac and Henry know each other, I invited both of them. Without a doubt, my boyfriend is coming along. I considered inviting my new volleyball pals, Hannah Fields and Courtney Jenkins. We've all gotten closer. Since Chloe also made the volleyball team, Hannah and Courtney got along with her, too.

Throughout my panicked frenzy around the house, Isaac remained by my side. He wanted me to calm down. Is he serious? I can't calm down. This matters to me, and I don't need his instructions to stop.

When I entered the kitchen, I saw Mom and Esme preparing cookies and snacks.

"Hey, mom," I said.

"Yeah, sweetie," Mom said.

"I was wondering if I should order the pizza now or..."

"Sweetie, not till later. Don't worry about it; we will take care of it."


As I took a deep breath to ease my stress, I realized I had forgotten Jacob's present.

"Mom, is the bike we got him in the garage, right?" I asked.

"Yes, sweetie. It would be best if you calmed down. You should rest or ask Isaac to take you out." Mom responded.

The sound of footsteps made me turn around, and there was Isaac.

"It would be my pleasure, Mrs. Cullen," Isaac said in a proper tone.

"Great, now run..." Mom said, but I interrupted her.

"No, I can't," I said.

After leaving the room, I retrieved the red ribbon I had left on the dining table. Then I returned to the kitchen and grabbed the scissors from the drawer.

"I have to wrap my gift for Jacob," I said.

Mom sighed. "Okay, will you go?" she asked.

"Sure," I responded.

"Good, and Isaac, why don't you help her?" I asked.


Isaac went with me to the garage. I set my stuff down, and Isaac took hold of my arm and pinned me against the wall, kissing me. His kiss surprised me, but I responded in kind. Then, he moved back and hid his face in my neck. My scent filled his lungs as he kissed my neck, sending tingles through me.

"What was that for?" I asked.

Isaac moved his face off of my neck and looked into my eyes. "Two days without a kiss from you, and now spending the entire day together, yet still no kiss. It's killing me," he said.

I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his neck. "It's okay. It's only two days," I said.

"Two days is too long," Isaac expressed.

A Jacob and Renesmee Story: Everlasting LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя