The Beat Goes On

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Authors Note: guess who's back? This book will be full of season 2 episodes and some.. Sibling relationship between Paris and Henry and probably slowly having a crush on her brother, probably

Today it's fan mail day for two superheros, Charlotte and I are in the Man Cave and looking through what's in the mails lately. It been a while since the whole Jasper's girlfriend thing and that still on my mind till this day but who cares 'bout that

" hey, here's another sack" I hear Kira said to us two when Schwoz and her walk towards us and put the two sacks on the table

" no way" I said in shock as I look at the two sacks, " more fan mail?"

" yeah" Kira answers while she sat down on the couch of tiredness, " Captain Man and Kid Danger are very popular in this town"

I just nodded but it's true

I open one sack and start searching through

" Schwoz, I found another one of your diseased eggs in my tanning bed"

I look up to see Ray is here and looking at Schwoz while holding a normal egg, normal to me that is

" he's not diseased..." Schwoz defended, " yet"

Ray sniffed the egg

" what are you guys talking about?" Charlotte asked the two and they turn to us

" Schwoz gets his Jollies by blasting eggs with all kinds of weird radiation so he can see what happens when they hatch" Kira explained while gesturing to the egg that is in Ray's hands

" it's fun to create mutants" Schwoz objected

Kira just shook her head and look through the fan mails

" yeah, must've been real fun for your mom, ooh!" Ray shot back

" hey!"

Charlotte and I mouth out ' ooo'

Schwoz catch the egg when Ray throw it to him

" I want that egg off this property" Ray demands

" hey, you guys"

I turn my head around to see Henry carrying a whip cream container

" somebody left this can of whipped cream in the weapons room" Henry mentioned

" da, da, da!" Kira ran over to Henry and taking the can of whipped cream, " be careful with this"

" why?" Henry asked her confused

" I show you" Kira sighs and turn to Ray who's not paying attention of this matter, " hey, Ray"

" yeah, what's up?" Ray greeted her when he looks at the two

Kira then shot Ray with a laser that came out of that whipped cream can, after the green laser faded all we can see was Ray's shirt is now burned. We laugh of the funny scene before us

" ding dang it, Kira!" Ray yelled at her

I crack a smile

" relax, you're indestructible" Charlotte reminded him

" yeah, well my shirt wasn't!" Ray snapped as gesturing to his now burn shirt

Kira shook her head with a smile and go over to the couch to sit down and sat the whipped cream can on the table. I hear a notification ding from my brother's phone and he looks at it then turn to me

" oh man, we late for dinner, we got to get home" Henry informs

I nodded my head, stood up from my seat and we both head to the elevator

The Danger Continues: Henry Danger Book 2 [ COMPLETED ] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें